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Out of group tracking

diwako edited this page May 3, 2019 · 1 revision

The radar module also offers out of squad tracking. It is used to track a VIP that needs to be escorted or to show a vehicle on the compass for vehicle crews.

Be warned, adding too many things will slow down your game!

To add units or vehicles to the out of squad tracking feature you have to create and fill the missionNameSpace variable diwako_dui_special_track. The variable needs to be of type array

The pink icons are the objects tracked

The color of the special tracked objects can be changed in the CBA settings of the radar module! As the variable is local to every machine, mission makers can use this to give different players other objects to track if needed.

Warning, adding a squad mate to this array will overwrite all color as the special tracked objects have priority!


// initplaylocal.sqf
// good use case
diwako_dui_special_track = [vip, myCar];

// terrible use case, do not do this!
diwako_dui_special_track = allPlayers
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