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ws-nexus-integration is a command line tool to scan Nexus repositories.
This tool can be deployed either on the Nexus host or on a separate machine that has access to the Nexus instance. Supported formats: maven2, npm, pypi, rubygems, nuget, docker and raw.


  • Nexus Repository Manager 3.x (any edition)
  • Java VM > 8
  • Docker
  • Python 3.7 or above

Install and utilization from PyPi (simplest)

  1. Install ws-nexus-integration: pip install ws-nexus-integration
  2. Download and edit params.config (available on git)
  3. Execute ws_nexus_integration <path/to/params.config>

Configuration Parameters

| Group                | Parameter         | Description                                                          |
| Nexus Settings       | NexusBaseUrl      | Nexus instance base URL (Default: http://localhost:8081)             |
| Nexus Settings       | NexusAuthToken    | Nexus auth token (base64 encoded)                                    |
| Nexus Settings       | NexusUser         | Nexus username. Required if NexusAuthToken is not specified          |
| Nexus Settings       | NexusPassword     | Nexus password. Required if NexusAuthToken is not specified          |
| Nexus Settings       | NexusRepositories | Comma-separated list of repository names to scan.                    |
| General Settings     | NexusExcludedRepos| Comma-separated list of repository names to excluded from scan.      |
|                      | itories           |                                                                      |
| General Settings     | NexusDockerRepos  | In case of docker repository ,                                       |
|                      | ImagesIncludes    | Comma-separated regex list of images expressions to be included      |
| Nexus Settings       | NexusAltDocker    | Allow specifying specific registry URL (host:port) to download docker|
|                      | RegistryAddress   | images (i.e, when registry is under NAT due to Nexus K8S deployment).|
| WhiteSource Settings | WSApiKey          | WhiteSource API Key, can be found under the 'Integrate' tab in your  |
|                      |                   | WhiteSource organization.                                            |
| WhiteSource Settings | WSUserKey         | WhiteSource User Key, can be found under the 'user profile' tab in   |
|                      |                   | your WhiteSource organization.                                       |
| WhiteSource Settings | WSProductName     | The WhiteSource product that will aggregate all scanned repositories.|
| WhiteSource Settings | WSCheckPolicies   | Whether to enable WhiteSource policy check for scanned repositories. |
| WhiteSource Settings | WSLang            | (Optional) allow passing a comma seperated list of suffices of       |
|                      |                   | artifacts to scan in Docker (default: empty).                        |
| WhiteSource Settings | WSUrl             | WhiteSource server URL, can be found under the 'Integrate' tab in    |
|                      |                   | your WhiteSource organization.                                       |
| General Settings     | ThreadCount       | Multi-threading speeds up the scan preperation phase, but it depends |
|                      |                   | on your environment capabilities (default: 5).                       |

Exit Codes

| Code | Message            | Description                                                       |
|  0   | SUCCESS            |                                                                   |
|  1   | FAILED             | Prerequisites, configuration or general errors                    |
| -1   | ERROR              | WhiteSource scan general error                                    |
| -2   | POLICY_VIOLATION   | WhiteSource policy violation                                      |
| -3   | CLIENT_FAILURE     | WhiteSource scan client side error                                |
| -4   | CONNECTION_FAILURE | WhiteSource agent failed to connect to the application server.    |
| -5   | SERVER_FAILURE     | WhiteSource scan server side error                                |


WhiteSource Nexus integration tool







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  • Python 100.0%