FooQueue Foobar2000 component library.
Dependencies: Foobar2000_SDK, Foobar2000_SDK_helpers, Foobar2000_ATL_helpers, Foobar2000_component_client, pfc, libpubnub, libevent, openssl, json-c, libcurl
Build steps (to build around project):
- Add all of the dependencies as well as the FooQueue project to one solution. Directory structure should look like the following -
\ATLHelpers - fb2k ATL helper project \curl - libcurl source \foo_queue - the main FooQueue project \foobar2000_component_client - fb2k component helper project \helpers - fb2k SDK helper project \Include - ATL helper include files \json-c - json-c project \libevent - libevent project \libpubnub - libpubnub C project \libpubnub-cpp - libpubnub C++ helper files \openssl - OpenSSL source \pfc - PFC library project \Release - Output folder for DLL, location of LIB files for linking \SDK - fb2k SDK project \shared - shared files
*FooQueue project build depends on ALL included projects in solution.
FooQueue links against shared libraries generated by the included projecs. All libraries should build be built to /Release. Libraries to link against are - pfc.lib, foobar2000_SDK.lib, libpubnub.lib, libcurl.lib, libevent.lib, json.lib, libeay32.lib, ssleay32.lib, /shared/shared.lib and ws2_32.lib
Build ALL projects in solution. Output DLL will go to the /release folder.
If there are issues building the project then I can supply the entire solution. All projects are added and configured and should build out of the box. Solution not included in this repository due to size of files and redundancy.
Copy the 'foo_queue.dll' file to the /components folder where Foobar is installed.
Fire Foobar up and go to 'File->Preferences' then select 'Tools->FooQueue' in the left hand window. Enter the proper pubnub keys and channel you want to use. Close out of prefences.
Add some folders into your library ('Library->Configure->Add folders' where music resides). I have tested this with the library monitoring over 5,000 songs with no issues. You do not have to add anything to the library but it is required for the search feature.
Once library is configured go to 'File->FooQueue->Subscribe To Channel'. Check your debug console to make sure messages are being passed. If you have a mobile app running it will immediately begin receiving messages.