The goal of this project is to establish a hardware abstraction layer (HAL) for the LoRa enabled Semtech products (SX127x family of products) and develop a new lightweight MAC on top of that HAL.
The HAL is called pySX127x and is based on a fork from mayeranalytics/pySX127x. While that library does support most of the HAL structure and functionality it misses some core components in its implementation that make a working mac possible. This forks hopes to solve these problems.
On top of the HAL I propose a new frame and MAC:
This is still a work in progress. Code is being updated every day and not stable!
I'm using a Rasberry Pi Model B+ + Mbed LoRa SX1276 module. I designed a simple 'shield' PCB that interfaces between the Mbed PCB and the Raspberry Pi. Should you be interested you can contact me.
enable SPI on the raspberry pi by using
sudo raspi-config
and enabling the SPI module
after that install spidev
can update Rasperry Pi
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install python-dev
spidev files are included in repo
mkdir git-repos
git clone
git config --global '[email protected]'
git config --global 'Thomas Verbeke'
cd pi-spidev
sudo python install
Git commands
git status
git commit -a
git push
In order to install spidev download the source code and run manually:
tar xfvz spidev-3.1.tar.gz
cd spidev-3.1
sudo python install
*ETSI compliance is imposed with duty cycle limit/ band
*Payload header for packet filtering (iterative algortihm)
*Optional ACK in receive window and retransmissions
*MAC commands to change SF/Channel/Power
*Flexible network architecture
Future: I want to add retransmission, multiple frame, clock sync, calc param based on interval needs,...
Name | Details |
Ping-Pong | Classic ping-pong without MAC. should be started first. Pong starts in continuous listening mode. After receiving a "PING" message, it answers with a "PONG" message and goes back into continous transmission mode. * |
Listen | Listener for LoRa communication. Will display data in both hex and byte format * |
Beacon | Transmit message over regular interval* |
Listen ON MAC | Listener for LoRaMAC communication, when valid frame is received an ACK is send |
Beacon ON MAC | Send a string over LoRa in a regular interval and open a short receive window to receive ACK |
RangeTest ON MAC | Loop over all channels for alle spreading factors. Signal listener before switching channel/sf (and change settings on ACK) |
* This code does not comply with RF regulations; so the time interval should be set according to local regulations (ETSI, REC,..)
update: is a work in progress: In the future demo's will be split into demo's running on the HAL and demo's running on the new MAC.