For local application starting (for development) make sure that you have locally installed next applications:
docker >= 18.0
(install:curl -fsSL | sudo sh
)docker-compose >= 1.22
([installing manual][install_compose])
This application uses next services:
- PostgreSQL
- PHP 7.4
- nginx
Declaration of all services can be found into ./docker-compose.yml
Checkout the repository or download the sources.
Simply run docker-compose up -d
and you are done.
Nginx will be available on localhost:80
and PostgreSQL on localhost:5432
docker-compose run composer <cmd>
Where cmd
is any of the available composer command.
Default connection:
docker-compose exec db psql -U postgres
Using .env file default parameters:
docker-compose exec db psql -U dbuser dbname
If you want to connect to the DB from another container (from the php
one for instance), the host will be the service name: db
You can execute any command on the php
container as you would do on any docker-compose container:
docker-compose exec php php -v
To change PHP's configuration edit .docker/conf/php/php.ini
Same goes for .docker/conf/php/xdebug.ini
You can add any .ini file in this directory, don't forget to map them by adding a new line in the php's volume
section of the docker-compose.yml
If you want to change the db name, db user and db password simply edit the .env
file at the project's root.
If you connect to PostgreSQL from localhost a password is not required however from another container you will have to supply it.
docker-compose rm --all
docker-compose pull
docker-compose build --no-cache
docker-compose up -d --force-recreate