Dot 👽 Dot 🦎
Update/upgrade all with
sudo xbps-install -Su
Package Name | Description | Link |
xorg-minimal | Display server | Github |
xinit | X server & client startup utilities | Gitlab |
xf86-video-amdgpu | AMD Xorg video driver | Github |
base-devel | Dev-tools meta package | Pkg |
git | Interactive process viewer | Github |
vim | Terminal editor | Github |
dbus | IPC mechanism | Github |
tree | List contents in a tree-like format | Manpage |
htop | Interactive process viewer | Github |
fish-shell | Command line shell | Github |
pulseaudio | Sound server | Github |
alacritty | OpenGL terminal emulator | Github |
docker | Container ecosystem | Github |
Package Name | Description | Link |
ncdu | Disk utilty | Site |
bat | Cat alternative | Github |
hexyl | TUI binary viewer | Github |
hyperfine | Command-line benchmarking tool | Github |
shellcheck | Static analysis tool for shell scripts | Github |
p7zip | Command line version of 7zip | Sourceforge |
tig | Text-mode interface for git | Sourceforge |
parted | Manipulate partition tables | Site |
aws-cli | Command Line Interface for AWS | Github |
vpm | package management helper for Void Linux | Github |
termshark | Terminal UI for tshark | Github |
mkpasswd | Password generator | Page |
Package Name | Description | Link |
dejavu-fonts-ttf | Dejavu font | Site |
noto-fonts-ttf | Noto font | Site |
noto-fonts-emoji | Noto emoji font | Site |
fontconfig | Font configuration and customization | Gitlab |
chromium | Chromium web browser | Site |
firefox | Firefox web browser | Site |
vscode | VS Code without branding/telemetry/licensing | Github |
lmms | Music production software | Github |
obs | Live streaming and screen recording | Github |
blender | 3D creation suite | Github |
gimp | Image editor | Site |
godot | Game engine | Site |
synfigstudio | 2D Animation Software | Site |
vlc | Media player | Gitlab |
telegram-desktop | Messaging app | Github |
paprefs | Pulseaudio configs | Site |
wireshark | Network traffic analyzer | Github |
$ sudo usermod -aG sudo,input,video,libvirt,docker,kvm $USER
$ sudo xbps-remove -Oo
Tool | Description | Link |
Go | The Go programming language | Site |
Brew | Brew package manager | Site |
Dart / Flutter | Dart language and Flutter framework | Site |
Android Studio | IDE | Site |
Gitg | Gnome gui client git repositories | Site |
Ghex | Gnome hex editor | Site |
Vital Audio | Spectral warping wavetable synth | Site |
Fisher | Fish shell plugins | Github |
Fish-nvm | Node version manager | Github |
duf | Disk utility | Github |
fzf | Fuzzy finder | Github |
JetBrains Mono Font | JetBrains font | Site |
Fira Code Mono (Nerd) | Fira font (nerdfont version) | Site |
Go Mono (Nerd) | Go font (nerdfont version) | Site |
Iosevka Font (SS12) | Iosevka font | Github |
Atkinson Hyperlegible Font | Atkinson font | Site |
Package Name | Description | Link |
minikube | Local k8s | Github |
octant | Kubernetes Web UI | Github |
kubespy | Observing k8s resources in real time | Github |
kind | K8s in docker | Github |
k9s | Kubernetes CLI/TUI management | Github |
FairwindsOps/tap/polaris | K8s validations best practices | Github |
aquasecurity/trivy/trivy | Vulnerability scanner | Github |
lazydocker | Docker TUI management | Github |
hadolint | Dockerfile linter | Github |
go-task/tap/go-task | Task runner (make alternative) | Github |
aws-sam-cli | AWS Serverless CLI | Github |
mitmproxy | Web Traffic inspector (TUI & Web UI) | Github |
goaccess | Real-time web log analyzer | Github |
bettercap | Network/bluetooth log analyzer | Github |
pyroscope-io/brew/pyroscope | Continuous profiling platform | Github |
vegeta | HTTP load testing tool | Github |
mkcert | Make local trusted dev certs | Github |
starship | Cool shell dev prompts | Github |
Name | Extension ID |
Go | golang.go |
GraphQL | graphql.vscode-graphql |
Dart | dart-code.dart-code |
Flutter | dart-code.flutter |
webhint | webhint.vscode-webhint |
ESLint | dbaeumer.vscode-eslint |
stylelint | stylelint.vscode-stylelint |
Svelte | svelte.svelte-vscode |
YAML | redhat.vscode-yaml |
docker | ms-azuretools.vscode-docker |
VSCode Great Icons | emmanuelbeziat.vscode-great-icons |
Kubernetes | ms-kubernetes-tools.vscode-kubernetes-tools |
hadolint | exiasr.hadolint |
GitHub heme | github.github-vscode-theme |
Ruby Solargrpah | castwide.solargraph |
vscode-styled-components | jpoissonnier.vscode-styled-components |
- In
avoid-resampling = true
flat-volumes = no
resample-method = speex-float-10
avoid-resampling = yes
## These next options should be tailored to your use case and hardware. I mainly play files in 44100 and 96000 bit rate through headphones.
default-sample-format = float32le
default-sample-rate = 44100
alternate-sample-rate = 96000
See: docs
$ sudo cp -R /etc/sv/agetty-tty1 /etc/sv/agetty-autologin-tty1
$ sudo echo >> /etc/sv/agetty-autologin-tty1/conf "GETTY_ARGS=\"--autologin $USER --noclear\"
Logout, login, and:
$ sudo rm /var/service/agetty-tty1
$ sudo ln -s /etc/sv/agetty-autologin-tty1 /var/service
In ~/.config/fish/
#set -l tty (fgconsole)
if test -z $DISPLAY
#and [ tty = 1 ]
exec startx
In general, use
for any ".profile" configuration
(Assume that with listing short links
3 is the null one and 2 is the default)
$ pactl load-module module-null-sink
$ pactl list short sinks
$ pactl load-module module-combine-sink sink_name=OBScombine slaves=3,2