A chess engine built from scratch, powered by a neural network.
This engine is trained on master level games from Lichess. Notably, chess-inator does not use analysis from existing engines like Stockfish; it learns entirely on its own, scoring positions with prior versions of itself.
The engine is trained with little pre-existing knowledge of chess. Specifically, chess-inator started off knowing:
- The rules of chess
- The traditional piece values (pawn = 1, bishop, knight = 3, rook = 6, queen = 9)
See the "training process" section below for more information.
To play against chess-inator, see its Lichess page. Note that it may be offline for long periods of time, since I do not permanently run the engine on a server. Alternatively, run it locally, as described in the "development instructions" section.
These are some technical details about the features implemented in the engine.
- Mailbox and redundant bitboard representation
- Naive pseudo-legal move generation
- Make/unmake
- Negamax search
- Alpha-beta pruning
- Principal Variation Search (PVS)
- Killer move heuristic
- NNUE evaluation
- UCI compatibility
- Iterative deepening
- Time management (soft, hard limit)
- Transposition table (Zobrist hashing)
- Age/depth replacement scheme
- Quiescence search
- Check extension
At runtime, chess-inator has zero dependencies other than the Rust standard library.
chess-inator has a relatively simple neural network architecture, consisting of the following:
- "ALL" input feature, multi-hot tensor (768 neurons)
- Each combination of piece (6), color (2), and square (64) has a neuron.
- Hidden layer / accumulator (N neurons)
- This layer is fully connected to the last.
- Clipped ReLU activation (i.e. clamp between 0, 1)
- Output neuron (1 neuron)
- Sigmoid to get a "WDL space" evaluation (0 is a black win, 1 is a white win, 0.5 is a draw).
- A scaling factor is applied so that the logits (raw values before the sigmoid) correspond roughly to centipawns.
This architecture is known as an NNUE (efficiently updateable neural network), since we only have to store the accumulator values, and every move made or unmade can incrementally update these values (i.e. we don't have to do a complete forward pass for every move).
For efficiency reasons, the network is also quantized to int16
training. This provides a considerable speed-up compared to float64
, which is
used during training.
The following are instructions to run the engine locally (on a development device). The engine does not implement a GUI, you need separate software for that. For instance, try CuteChess or Arena.
For development purposes, fast-chess,
a CLI interface, is used for running tournaments against different versions of
the engine. See contrib/fast-chess-tag.sh
for help using it.
(For neural net weights) Set up git-lfs
Clone the repo:
git clone https://github.com/dogeystamp/chess_inator
To run the engine (in UCI mode):
cargo run --release
Quick unit tests:
cargo test
Longer duration, more rigorous tests:
cargo test --release
Flamegraph (on perft):
cargo flamegraph --test perft
This project would not have been possible without the following:
- Chess Programming Wiki: the source of a lot of algorithms used in chess-inator
- fastchess: the main tool used to test this engine
- pgn-extract: used in the training pipeline
- Stockfish opening books: used in testing and training
- Stockfish NNUE docs: very helpful in understanding NNUE
- Bullet NNUE docs: helpful in understanding NNUE
- PyTorch: network training framework
- Rust: great language
The engine's neural network is trained on chess positions labelled with:
- board state
- a centipawn evaluation given by a prior version of the engine
- the real outcome (win/draw/loss) of the game
The real outcome is interpolated with the engine evaluation to give an "expected evaluation" for the position, on which the engine trains. By labelling the position with the real game outcome, the engine gets feedback on positions that are good and bad.
Name | Tag | Description | Notes |
Generation 1 |
Hand-crafted evaluation. Has material counting and very simple (i.e. I punched in numbers) piece-square table evaluation. |
No data available. |
Generation 2 |
First neural network. Trained on the Lichess elite database, October 2024. Positions were scored using gen 1's evaluation. |
No data available. |
Generation 3 |
Hidden layer size increased from 16 to 192 neurons. Trained on Lichess elite database, September 2024, using gen 2's evaluation. |
No data available. |
Generation 4 |
Hidden layer size increased from to 320 neurons. Trained on Lichess elite database, June & July 2024, using gen 3's evaluation. Used around 18 million positions for training. |
Generation 5 |
Fine-tuned gen 4 on 3 million self-play positions. |
Generation 6 |
Fine-tuned gen 5 on 2 million self-play positions. |