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Beginner Photography

Nick LaBelle edited this page Aug 15, 2019 · 5 revisions

Goals - What do I want communicated?

A good way to frame the series would be to walk someone through the photography process, but from a surface level perspective. You get into everything you need to know, than in the intermediate series, you start to dive into all the different sub genres of photography.

How Photography Works

A Little bit of History

Communicates going from Cave Paintings --> Drawings --> Formal Paintings --> Photography --> Videography --> Video Games? --> VR Experiences --> Direct to Brain Downloads(The Matrix). Also why photography? Briefly talk about our strong visiospatial memory and how that makes visual stories important. Also known as why not just read a book.

What is a picture

Major Components of the Camera

The Camera Lens

The Body


Operating the Camera

So I'm out here shooting this little pile of rocks. I feel I have a solid understanding of my camera, so lets get started. Oh crap, I don't know how to use camera. cut back to me sitting at table

Shooting - Who, What, Where, When, Why

Deciding on what you want to photograph and strategies involved.

Understanding the Camera in the Wild

What can go wrong? :/

Post Production

This about editing the photos, don't go into printing

The Art of Photography

Breaking Down an Image

Play of Light



Art and the Lens


Give an overview of some of the major genres of photography but don't go into that much detail about them. You just want to let them know how people structure photography.




Post Production

Buying Guide