Unsorted collection of algorithm for the prupose of doing basic benchmarks between Rust, go and python.
My key take away is to never forget to --release
my rust code ever again.
The algorithms used here are differnet apporaches to sorting random numbers. So far I have done:
- Bubblesort
- Insertions sort
- Quick sort
- Parallel quicksort
Disclaimer: As the intention is to quickly get an impression of performance. The code is not optimized, not well document and violates a bunch of desing guidelines, especially DRY. Please do not take this code as an example unless as a bad one
Examples taken from:
The sorting algorithms have been taken from the following blog post: https://levelup.gitconnected.com/evaluating-performance-on-classic-sorting-algorithms-in-python-and-rust-76f981dfc0c
The GO implementations came from here
Results in ms:
Results on MacBookPro M1 (2020)
Algo | number of values | python | rust | rust (release) | go |
Bubble | 10000 | 5133 | 7442 | 90 | 105 |
Bubble | 100000 | - | - | 18231 | 11000 |
Insertion | 10000 | 1400 | 1700 | 37 | 54 |
Quicksort | 10000 | 14.5 | 12.9 | 0.48 | 0.6 |
Quicksort | 100000 | 180 | 140 | 6 | 9 |
As the manufacturers of my laptop where so kind to provide me with several computation cores, I was willing to try a parallel quicksort to speed up the sorting even more. Another reason is that I wanted to try out the rayon crate.
The interesting effect here is, that rayon really allowed parallelism w/o significant overhead, whereas the parallel inplementation in python had little effect.
Algo | number of values | python | rust | rust (release) | go (GOMAXPROCS=8) |
Parallel quick sort | 100000 | 150 | 25 | 1.7 | 2 |
No elaborated runner in place here. I assume that you have python3, rust and go installed on your machine.
To run the tests: Python Navigate into the python folder and:
python3 bubblesort.py
python3 insertionsort.py
python3 quicksort.py
python3 par_quicksort.py
Golang Navigate into the go folder and:
go run bubblesort.go
go run insertionsort.go
go run quicksort.go
go run par_quicksort.go
Rust Stay in the root folder and:
cargo run --bin bubble_sort
cargo run --bin insertion_sort
cargo run --bin quick_sort
cargo run --bin par_quick_sort
To get the release run add a --release
to the above mentioned commands
Some of the code parts have been copied from example sites. The sources will be stated in the files.
The rest is licensed under WTFPL