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React Easy Editables

Editable fields for inline content editing

Demo video of editable fields

Currently the package includes the following types of editable fields:

Content type Editor type
Plain text Text input
Paragraph Rich text editor
Number Number input
Image Image uploader with preview
Background Image Image uploader with preview
File File uploader
Link Text inputs for URL and anchor

Check out the demo page to see the different types of editable fields in action.

You can also create custom editable areas by using the generic Editable component, as demonstrated further down.


The EditablesContext uses React's context API to provide the properties showEditingControls and theme to the editable components lower in the tree.

Each of the editable fields receives a content object and an onSave function that defines the content to be displayed/edited and the callback that receives the updated content.


import React from 'react';
import { EditablesContext, theme } from 'react-easy-editables';

import PlainText from 'react-easy-editables';

class App extends React.Component {
  state = {
    showEditingControls: true,
    theme: theme,
    title: { text: "Editable title" },

  handleSave = text => {
    this.setState({ title: { text } })

  render() {
    const { title, } = this.state;

      <EditablesContext.Provider value={ {} }>
          <PlainText content={title} onSave={this.handleSave} />


You can update the appearance of the editable fields by updating the theme object. These are the defaults:

export const theme = {
  primaryColor: "#FF6C45",
  fontFamily: "sans-serif",
  fontSize: 14,
  editContainer: {
    backgroundColor: "rgba(255,255,255,0.3)",
    border: "1px solid black",
    position: "relative",
    padding: "8px",
  editContainerHighlight: {
    backgroundColor: "rgba(255,255,255,0.9)",
    border: "1px solid #FF6C45",
    zIndex: "2500",
  actions: {
    position: "absolute",
    left: "4px",
    top: "-10px",
    display: "flex",
    alignItems: "center",
    zIndex: "99",
  button: {
    border: "1px solid #000",
    color: "black",
    backgroundColor: "#fff",
    height: "18px",
    width: "18px",
    borderRadius: "30px",
    cursor: "pointer",
    display: "flex",
    justifyContent: "center",
    alignItems: "center",
    marginRight: "4px",
    "&:hover": {
      backgroundColor: "grey"
  saveButton: {
    backgroundColor: "#FF6C45",
  cancelButton: {
    backgroundColor: "#FF6C45",
  icon: {
    fontSize: "14px"

Custom editable fields

You can create custom editable fields by using the generic Editable component. The Editable component does the following:

  • reads from context whether or not to show the editing controls
  • renders the content wrapped in the editing controls or just the content according to the showEditingControls property on the context
  • toggles the isEditing state which then renders the editor component
  • passes a content object to the editor component
  • passes the updated content object from the editor component back to the parent component when the save button is clicked


import React from "react";
import Editable from "./Editable";
import PlainTextEditor from "react-easy-editables";

const EditableFeatureCard = props => {
  const handleSave = field => newContent => {
    props.updateContent(field, newContent);

  const { content } = props;

  return (
    <div className="col-md-3 col-sm-12 service-sub text-center">
      <i className="icon-tools  icon-extra-large fast-yellow-text margin-seven no-margin-lr no-margin-top"></i>
      <span className="text-medium font-weight-600 letter-spacing-2 text-uppercase black-text margin-one no-margin-lr no-margin-top display-block alt-font">
          content={{ text: content.header }}
          handleSave={ handleSave("header") }

        content={{ text: content.description }}
        handleSave={ handleSave("description") }
        <p className="text-medium width-80 center-col">{content.description}</p>

export default EditableFeatureCard;

Component API


import { EditableText } from "react-easy-editables"


Name Type Description
content object (required) The content to be displayed or edited, in the shape { text: string }
onSave func (required) Callback function when editor is saved, receives the content object as the only argument
onDelete func Callback function when editable field is deleted. The delete button only renders if this prop is present.
classes string String to be applied as the className property on the text and input.
EditorProps object Props to be passed to the PlainTextEditor component that is rendered in editing mode.


import { EditableTextArea } from "react-easy-editables"


Name Type Description
content object (required) The content to be displayed or edited, in the shape { text: string }. The string can include newline /n characters.
onSave func (required) Callback function when editor is saved, receives the content object as the only argument
onDelete func Callback function when editable field is deleted. The delete button only renders if this prop is present.
classes string String to be applied as the className property on the text and input.
EditorProps object Props to be passed to the TextAreaEditor component that is rendered in editing mode, ex. rows, cols, etc.


import { EditableParagraph } from "react-easy-editables"


Name Type Description
content object (required) The content to be displayed or edited, in the shape { text: string }. The string can be HTML.
onSave func (required) Callback function when editor is saved, receives the content object as the only argument
onDelete func Callback function when editable field is deleted. The delete button only renders if this prop is present.
classes string String to be applied as the className property on the text and input.
EditorProps object Props to be passed to the RichTextEditor component that is rendered in editing mode. Under the hood it's the RichTextEditor from react-rte so check the documentation to see which additional props you can use.


import { EditableNumber } from "react-easy-editables"


Name Type Description
content object (required) The content to be displayed or edited, in the shape { text: number }
onSave func (required) Callback function when editor is saved, receives the content object as the only argument
onDelete func Callback function when editable field is deleted. The delete button only renders if this prop is present.
classes string String to be applied as the className property on the text and input.
EditorProps object Props to be passed to the NumberEditor component that is rendered in editing mode.


import { EditableLink } from "react-easy-editables"


Name Type Description
content object (required) The content to be displayed or edited, in the shape { anchor: string, link: string }
onSave func (required) Callback function when editor is saved, receives the content object as the only argument
onDelete func Callback function when editable field is deleted. The delete button only renders if this prop is present.
classes string String to be applied as the className property on the link and editor component.
EditorProps object Props to be passed to the LinkEditor component that is rendered in editing mode. Since the editor has two inputs for the anchor text and the url, you can define props for each input via the EditorProps object. i.e. { anchor: object, link: object }


import { EditableImageUpload } from "react-easy-editables"


Name Type Description
content object (required) The content to be displayed or edited, in the shape { anchor: string, link: string }
onSave func (required) Callback function when editor is saved, receives the content object as the only argument
onDelete func Callback function when editable field is deleted. The delete button only renders if this prop is present.
showCaption bool Displays caption below image and enables caption editor if true
maxSize number Maximum size allowed for the uploaded image, in bytes. The default is 2097152, or 2MB.
styles object Styles to be applied to the image container and the image itself, i.e { container: {}, image: {}
classes string String to be applied as the className property on the image and editor components.
EditorProps object Props to be passed to the ImageUploadEditor component that is rendered in editing mode. Since the editor has two inputs for the image upload and the caption, you can define props for each input via the EditorProps object. i.e. { image: object, caption: object }


import { EditableFileUpload } from "react-easy-editables"


Name Type Description
content object (required) The content to be displayed or edited, in the shape { anchor: string, link: string }
onSave func (required) Callback function when editor is saved, receives the content object as the only argument
onDelete func Callback function when editable field is deleted. The delete button only renders if this prop is present.
maxSize number Maximum size allowed for the uploaded file, in bytes. The default is 2097152, or 2MB.
classes string String to be applied as the className property on the file and editor components.
EditorProps object Props to be passed to the FileUploadEditor component that is rendered in editing mode.


import { EditableBackgroundImage } from "react-easy-editables"


Name Type Description
content object (required) The content to be displayed or edited, in the shape { anchor: string, link: string }
onSave func (required) Callback function when editor is saved, receives the content object as the only argument
onDelete func Callback function when editable field is deleted. The delete button only renders if this prop is present.
maxSize number Maximum size allowed for the uploaded file, in bytes. The default is 2097152, or 2MB.
classes string String to be applied as the className property on the image and editor components.
styles object Styles to be applied to the image
EditorProps object Props to be passed to the ImageUploadEditor component that is rendered in editing mode, i.e. { image: object }


The generic Editable component allows you to create custom editable fields. It renders the EditorWrapper when the showEditingControls is true, and its children otherwise. The EditorWrapper shows the editor controls, and when the "edit" button is clicked it renders the editor component passed in through the Editor prop.

import { Editable } from "react-easy-editables"


Name Type Description
Editor component (required) The editor component to be rendered when editing mode is toggled
content object (required) The content to be displayed or edited
handleSave func (required) Callback function when editor is saved, receives the content object as the only argument
children node (required) Children to be rendered within the component
EditorProps number Props to be passed to the editor component
onDelete func Callback function when editable field is deleted. The delete button only renders if this prop is present.
classes string String to be applied as the className property on the editor components.
fullWidth bool When true, the editor wrapper takes up the full width of its container and editing controls are moved within the wrapper.
disableDelete bool When true, the delete button is removed, even if the onDelete function is present
isContentClickTarget bool Should the element itself be a click target to start editing - defaults to true. When false, the edit button must be clicked to start editing.