The idea for this project came from noticing the hight temperature of the metal door ont south side of the house during sunny winter days. Its purpose is to raise temperature of the room using water heated by the sunlight.
On the south side of the house, that catches a lot of sunlight, there's special pad filled with water that is being heated up by the sun. If the temperature of said water rises above the temperature inside of a room, the Arduino Controler turns on the pump, which pushes heated water to the heater inside of the room.
- Arduino Uno
- LCD Display board with buttons
- 4x DS18B20 - temperature sensors
- OptotriacMOC 3041 - Pump on/off
- EEPROM.h used to be able to set desired temperatures
- LiquidCrystal.h used to control LCD display
- DallasTemperatures.h used to easliy read temperatures from DS18B20 sensors
- OneWire.h dependencies of DallasTemperatures to read temperatures from multiple sensors connected to one pin on the Arduino Board
Outside temperatures falling belowe 0C. This could lead to water freeze and burst the pipes. Possible fix would be some sort of system that drains the water in case of temperatures falling below 0C.
System efficiency might not be as hight as expected. In the northern parts of Poland during spring, autumn and winter winter sky is often cloudy which could result in low heating capabilities of this Heating System.