Recurrent Inference Machines for a "denoising" problem
A deep Neural Network alternative to the CLEAN algorithm for Interferometric images
Resumes generated using the GitHub informations source and built site
Just a slick little Markov chain Monte Carlo sampler written in Javascript...
Useful scripts for astronomy, text and image processing, life etc
Color composite image creation, mostly following the Lupton, Wherry et al (2004) algorithm.
drphilmarshall / emcee
Forked from dfm/emceeThe Python ensemble sampling toolkit for affine-invariant MCMC
The Flying Spaghetti Monster Lens (Gravitational Lensing Project)
Line of sight mass reconstruction in the Universe
Probability distribution Amplification and Plotting in Python
The Python ensemble sampling toolkit for affine-invariant MCMC
Linked Data Visualizations Across Multiple Files