Create a deep learning REST API that wraps a Keras model in an efficient, scalable manner using Redis
In this project I am going to utilize Redis as a message broker/message queue. This involves:
- Running Redis on our machine
- Queuing up data (images) to our Redis store to be processed by our REST API
- Polling Redis for new batches of input images
- Classifying the images and returning the results to the client
- Stress testing with multiple requests
- Our model will classify image using pretrained ResNet50 keras API
- Windows 10, Python 3.7.3, keras, Redis, Flask
- I have detailed the steps in my blog also
- Create and Activate virtual env in Anaconda prompt using below commands-
conda create --name <env_name> python=3.7.3
activate <env_name>
- Follow below steps for installing Redis if you are using Windows
- Download latest of Redis from Redis for Windows link
- Download file be in zip format like
- Create a new folder and extract downloaded zip file there
- Navigate to extracted folder and open it in a cmd as an Admin
- Run the following command:redis-server.exe
- A pop up will come and ask you to allow access, accept the default. It will start the Redis server
- Leave this terminal open to keep the Redis data store running
- In another terminal, you can validate Redis is up and running by following command: redis-cli.exe ping
- In response you will get a PONG back from Redis, it means you’re ready to go
- Make sure Redis server is up and running
- Open anaconda prompt with your activated virtual env and Run
wait till server is running - Open another anaconda prompt with your activated virtual env and Run
wait till server is running - Open third anaconda prompt with your activated virtual env and Run