Suprisingly good SMB password sprayer. This engine can be used in the future for a more generic password sprayer system.
Cycles passwords first then usernames.
Help function results: "\t-verbose \t\tTurn on Verbosity (also notverbose)\n"
"\t-stop \t\tThis means stop on a winner\n"
"\t-resume \t\tThis switch resumes search; Need -host*\n"
"\t-user \t\t[name or name1,name2,name3 default is Administrator]\n"
"\t-user_file\t\t[username file location ]\n"
"\t-pass \t\t[password or pass1,pass2,pass3 ]\n"
"\t-pass_file\t\t[password file loc; default if not given*]\n"
"\t-pass_def\t\tKnock this switch to use default pass file*\n"
"\t-rdelay \t\t[seconds between requests (each user)]\n"
"\t-cdelay \t\t[seconds between cycles (all users)]\n"
"\t-save \t\t[file to save results in]\n\n"
"\t-sv \t\t[0-3; Save file verbosity ]\n\n"
"\tGood luck, skz\n"
"\t* Default pass file - $PASS_DEFAULT\nYou can change that it's like the 3rd line in the source.\n"
"\tP.S. You can send both user and user_file same with pass, pass_file\n\n";