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Play with kafka and golang Something I can do:

  • ❌ Create a producer with wildcard topic.

    • The logic:
      1. We have 2 topics: student_create, student_update.
      2. We have 3 consumers:
        • A consumer consumes student_create topic.
        • A consumer consumes student_update topic.
        • A consumer consumes student_create, student_update topic.
  • ✔️ Create a group consumer with multiple topics. (3 consumers)

  • ❌ Deploy them like a cluster by k8s (PVC).

  • ✔️ Deploy kafka cluster (3 nodes)

    • Be careful with host:port in kafka cluster, read this instruction
  • ✔️ Kafka consumer lag:

  • ❌ Streaming data analytics.

  • Some test:

  • Flow: post student -> publish message -> consume a message -> fetch user_id from user table -> Yes -> consume success remove message -> No -> publish the message to dead letter, read the message proto,

Rebalancing in consumer group when a consumer join/leave happen

* We create 4 partitions in `student_create` topic and 2 consumers in `group_consumer_student` consumer-group.
1. 2 consumers in a group `group_consumer_student`.
    sh-4.4$ kafka-consumer-groups --bootstrap-server broker1:9092 --group group_consumer_student --describe

    GROUP                         TOPIC           PARTITION  CURRENT-OFFSET  LOG-END-OFFSET  LAG             CONSUMER-ID                                 HOST            CLIENT-ID
    group_consumer_student student_update  0          2               2               0               sarama-ac9713b9-e465-48c4-9732-0400b9d45aa5 /     sarama
    group_consumer_student student_create  2          7               7               0               sarama-ac9713b9-e465-48c4-9732-0400b9d45aa5 /     sarama
    group_consumer_student student_create  3          8               8               0               sarama-ac9713b9-e465-48c4-9732-0400b9d45aa5 /     sarama
    group_consumer_student student_create  0          17              17              0               sarama-3ede9a42-8938-48ef-80e4-f4882d7dcd60 /     sarama
    group_consumer_student student_create  1          25              25              0               sarama-3ede9a42-8938-48ef-80e4-f4882d7dcd60 /     sarama

2. delete a consumer in group `group_consumer_student`.
    sh-4.4$ kafka-consumer-groups --bootstrap-server broker1:9092 --group group_consumer_student --describe

    GROUP                         TOPIC           PARTITION  CURRENT-OFFSET  LOG-END-OFFSET  LAG             CONSUMER-ID                                 HOST            CLIENT-ID
    group_consumer_student student_create  3          8               8               0               sarama-ac9713b9-e465-48c4-9732-0400b9d45aa5 /     sarama
    group_consumer_student student_update  0          2               2               0               sarama-ac9713b9-e465-48c4-9732-0400b9d45aa5 /     sarama
    group_consumer_student student_create  0          17              17              0               sarama-ac9713b9-e465-48c4-9732-0400b9d45aa5 /     sarama
    group_consumer_student student_create  2          7               7               0               sarama-ac9713b9-e465-48c4-9732-0400b9d45aa5 /     sarama
    group_consumer_student student_create  1          25              25              0               sarama-ac9713b9-e465-48c4-9732-0400b9d45aa5 /     sarama

3. add new a consumer in group `group_consumer_student`.
    sh-4.4$ kafka-consumer-groups --bootstrap-server broker1:9092 --group group_consumer_student --describe

    GROUP                         TOPIC           PARTITION  CURRENT-OFFSET  LOG-END-OFFSET  LAG             CONSUMER-ID                                 HOST            CLIENT-ID
    group_consumer_student student_create  0          17              17              0               sarama-ac9713b9-e465-48c4-9732-0400b9d45aa5 /     sarama
    group_consumer_student student_update  0          2               2               0               sarama-ac9713b9-e465-48c4-9732-0400b9d45aa5 /     sarama
    group_consumer_student student_create  1          25              25              0               sarama-ac9713b9-e465-48c4-9732-0400b9d45aa5 /     sarama
    group_consumer_student student_create  2          7               7               0               sarama-c6675285-33d5-4605-b359-6481aa05c0ef /     sarama
    group_consumer_student student_create  3          8               8               0               sarama-c6675285-33d5-4605-b359-6481aa05c0ef /     sarama

How to add partitions on the runtime

1. Exec to kafka container: `docker exec -it [container-id] sh`
2. Get help: `kafka-topics --help`
3. Get describe of a topic: ` kafka-topics --describe --bootstrap-server [broker-server](eg: broker1:9092) --topic [topic-name]`. Question: How about my kafka has 3 brokers?
4. Add partition: `kafka-topics --bootstrap-server broker1:9092 --topic [topic-name] --alter --partitions [number-of-partitions]`.
5. Result
sh-4.4$ kafka-topics --bootstrap-server broker1:9092 --topic student_create --describe
Topic: student_create	TopicId: LODsLIlYQ9-21MM-pjIahw	PartitionCount: 4	ReplicationFactor: 3	Configs: 
    Topic: student_create	Partition: 0	Leader: 1	Replicas: 1,0,2	Isr: 1,0,2
    Topic: student_create	Partition: 1	Leader: 2	Replicas: 2,1,0	Isr: 2,1,0
    Topic: student_create	Partition: 2	Leader: 0	Replicas: 0,2,1	Isr: 0,2,1
    Topic: student_create	Partition: 3	Leader: 1	Replicas: 1,2,0	Isr: 1,2,0

Order message scenario

TODO. * A class has 10 seats maximum, so students need to register for their favorite class asap. * In peak time, many students register at the same time, so we need to order the register. If the register exceeds 10 -> we will reject all the rest. * EG: Currently, the total of register in class Mathematics is 8. * Student A, B, C send register to our application. * The order of register is C, A, B. -> we will send them to a partition in kafka -> B will be rejected due to the total register exceeding 10.

    * Test the mode of at least once, at most once.

Integrate kafka with temporal.

* Demostrate temporal works.
* A student can register 3 class maximum. If they register more than 3, the `temporal workflow` will be called to remove the lasted registration then insert the new one (FIFO).


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