combination botsniper and botexploit
botsniper = buy tokens if tokens already have liquidity or activate swap quickly.
botexploit = it's so hard to explain but the features in this are frontrun, backrun, arbitrange.
all botdexdamar features require 1 target token to execute.
download file bot in here and all update information bot :
below is an understanding of the features of this bot :\
- SCRIPT = direct execution process carried out by this bot in the OFF-CHAIN of your device\
- CUSTOM ROUTER = direct execution process carried out by the blockchain network in ON-CHAIN using smart contract
for more details, please check the config/config.js file
(SNIPER) all process using SCRIPT
(SNIPER) custom node url, gwei, gaslimit, slippage.
(SNIPER) auto detect liquidity or enable swap with method simulate transaction.
(SWAP) anti honeypot.
(SWAP) auto takeprofit and cutlose on autotrade sell token.
(SWAP) swap token with delay / timeout.
(SWAP) spam buy before or after launch with targetBulk. this process using SCRIPT for process send bulk transaction with different transaction.
(AUTOTRADESELLTOKENONLY) autotradeselltoken without having to buy tokens using this bot
(PRESALE) auto detect unlock presale.
(PRESALE) spam tx before launch presale with targetBulk. this process using SCRIPT for process send bulk transaction with different transaction.
for more details, please check the config/config.js file
(EXPLOIT) custom node url, custom gwei, gaslimit, slippage
(EXPLOIT) free mempool premium for filter pending transaction.
(FIRSTLAUNCHBUY) swap token with in the same blockNumber along with addLiquidity method or enable swap. this process using SCRIPT or CUSTOM ROUTER.
(FIRSTLAUNCHBUY) swap token with custom router and chi gas token for reduce transaction fees. this process using CUSTOM ROUTER.
(FIRSTLAUNCHBUY) swap token with bulk transactions using custom router. this process using CUSTOM ROUTER for process send bulk transaction on 1 transaction.
(FIRSTLAUNCHBUY) auto takeprofit and cutlose on autotrade sell token.
(SANDWICH) swap token with sandwich. this process using SCRIPT or CUSTOM ROUTER for process sandwich.
(SANDWICH) swap token with high gwei before target success do transaction. this process using CUSTOM ROUTER for process sandwich.
(SANDWICH) sell all balance token after buy and after target success do transaction. this process using SCRIPT or CUSTOM ROUTER for process sandwich.
(SANDWICH) delay after execute sandwich
(SANDWICH) filterMinimumAmountTarget
(BUYBULK) spam buy with targetBulk. this process using SCRIPT for process send bulk transaction with different transaction.
some screenshots of this bot
a little information, if you don't have a special node private blockchain as needed by other bot, calm down because this bot already provides a premium node blockchain to filter transactions so you only need node blockchain free or paid to enable sending your transactions\
(firstlaunchbuy) buy token with same blockNumber method addLiquidity or other method token.
(sandwich) buy token before target do success buy and after that sell all the tokens in same blockNumber.
- watch my video example (v6.0.0) :
- watch my video example (v8.0.0) :
- watch my video example (v8.1.0) :
- language : javascript
- framework : nodejs
- open source : no
- compiled : yes
- is there a monthly fee? no, you only pay once.
- does it need a private node to run it? no, our bots can be run using private node or free node.
- is there an update or repair fee? no, for updates and repairs we provide for free.
- dex what support in this bot? pancakeswap, uniswap, apeswap, and others dex with structur code UniswapV2.
- is this bot safe from theft of funds in the wallet? This bot is 100% safe, there is no theft of funds or other suspicious things.
botsniper = $100
botexploit + free botsniper = $1600
note : if you buy it, you can only add 1 whitelist address that you will use and if you want to change your whitelist address we have provided tools to transfer your whitelist
email: [email protected]