A build system for source mods, that compiles the engine, installs your mod, and much more!
the main build system script is in buildsys/buildsys_init.sh
- install msys64, you probally dont want to add it to path, as it may screw your current python install over.
- get vs2022 with the c++ desktop workload.
- get Source Sdk Base 2013 Singleplayer (upcoming) from steam
- clone this repo, and copy build.bat and buildsys the folder that your mod will be in (dont put it in sourcemods, do something like desktop, you know what i mean.
- open up the folder with the build system, and edit buildsys/config.sh to your settings (REQUIRED, THIS HAS IMPORTANT STUFF).
- then:
run: build.bat
if your using powershell: .\build.bat
- let it take its time (the engine compiles in a little under a minute for a 16 core cpu and 32 gbs of ram (i snagged one from a buisness for $250))
NOTE: if you dont have the engine in the configured directory, it will download it for you. - Run the script again, and it should not yap at you about gameinfo.txt, just edit the one in gameroot.
- restart steam, and you should see your mod there