This repository implements a ROS2 system with a camera publisher node and a node that listens to the published image and runs the Faster-RCNN object detection algorithm.
Images are captured from a USB-based camera and published to the 'camera/image' topic by This node (CameraPublisher) publishes images at 30Hz.
Images received from the 'camera/image' topic is used by the Faster RCNN Object Detection model to draw bounding boxes around the detected objects in These predictions are also published to the 'camera/od_image' topic while simultaneosly being recorded and saved as an mp4 file. implements a simple listner that also records the images received by it to an mp4 file.
The Faster-RCNN model used in this repository was trained on the Waymo Open Dataset and assumed you have the trained model file (frcnn_final_rr.pth). You may have to modify the labels_dict and ckpt_file variables in as per your usecase.
Clone this repository to the src dir of your ros2 workspace
Open a terminal session and run the camera publisher node (assuming you have already sourced ros2)
- Open another terminal session (again assuming you have sourced ros2) and run the object detector node
Use rviz to visualize the detections live. Or once you killed the above 2 programs, you can find the mp4 recording of the detections as output.mp4