Runs an internet speed test and tweets at your ISP if service is degraded below a threshold.
git clone
cd isp-degradation-tweet
venv virtualenv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
cp config_template.json config.json
Edit config.json. Keep double quote formatting around all values except those for plan_speed and tweet_threshold.
- put wifi or ethernet
- the twitter handle of your ISP or whoever you want to complain to
- the expected download rate in Mbps of your plan
- the threshold of your actual speed over your plan speed where you want to complain. For example 90 would mean you tweet when you're getting less than 90Mbps on a 100Mbps plan.
Follow these instructions to get Twitter dev account and app credentials.
These are: consumer_key
, consumer_secret
, access_token
, access_token_secret
After following Installation and Configuration sections type:
If everything is configured properly, a tweet will be sent when your internet speed degrades bellow your set degradation_threshold.
Results of runs are stored in results.log
Info logging is in info.log
Type pwd
to get path of your installed folder.
Eg. $ pwd
Enter crontab: EDITOR=nano crontab -e
Scroll to the bottom and add a line. Match the path to what you found when you typed pwd.
Eg. 30 14 * * * cd /Users/dc/Repo/isp-degradation-tweet && venv/bin/python
This example would run the script at 2:30pm every day. Learn more about cron here.
This is a WIP