Release 2.0.0
- New function - Get-ConfigurationFile @easitanth (#65)
- New function - Export-PayloadToFile @easitanth (#57)
- New cmdlet - Import-GOCustomItem @easitanth (#55)
- New function - Invoke-EasitWebRequest @easitanth (#41)
- New function - Convert-EasitXMLToPsObject @easitanth (#32)
- Implemented Get-ConfigurationFile to Ping-GOWebService @easitanth (#72)
- Implemented Get-ConfigurationFile to Import-GORequestItem @easitanth (#71)
- Implemented Get-ConfigurationFile to Import-GOOrganizationItem @easitanth (#70)
- Implemented Get-ConfigurationFile to Import-GOCustomItem @easitanth (#69)
- Implemented Get-ConfigurationFile to Import-GOContactItem @easitanth (#68)
- Implemented Get-ConfigurationFile to Import-GOAssetItem @easitanth (#67)
- Implemented Get-ConfigurationFile to Get-GOItems @easitanth (#66)
- Implemented Export-PayloadToFile to Ping-GOWebService @easitanth (#64)
- Implemented Export-PayloadToFile to Import-GORequestItem @easitanth (#63)
- Implemented Export-PayloadToFile to Import-GOOrganizationItem @easitanth (#62)
- Implemented Export-PayloadToFile to Import-GOCustomItem @easitanth (#61)
- Implemented Export-PayloadToFile to Import-GOAssetItem @easitanth (#60)
- Implemented Export-PayloadToFile to Import-GOContactItem @easitanth (#59)
- Implemented Export-PayloadToFile to Get-GOItems @easitanth (#58)
- Disabled progress bar in Invoke-EasitWebRequest @easitanth (#56)
- Implemented Convert-EasitXMLToPsObject to Import-GORequestItem @easitanth (#54)
- Implemented Convert-EasitXMLToPsObject to Import-GOOrganizationItem @easitanth (#53)
- Implemented Convert-EasitXMLToPsObject to Import-GOContactItem @easitanth (#52)
- Implemented Convert-EasitXMLToPsObject to Import-GOAssetItem @easitanth (#51)
- Implemented Invoke-EasitWebRequest and Convert-EasitXMLToPsObject to Ping-GOWebService @easitanth (#50)
- Added new and updated existing tests @easitanth (#49)
- Generated help for private cmdlets @easitanth (#48)
- Implemented Invoke-EasitWebRequest to Import-GORequestItem @easitanth (#47)
- Added new items parameters to Import-GORequestItem @easitanth (#46)
- Implemented Invoke-EasitWebRequest to Import-GOOrganizationItem @easitanth (#45)
- Implemented Invoke-EasitWebRequest to Import-GOContactItem @easitanth (#44)
- Implemented Invoke-EasitWebRequest to Import-GOAssetItem @easitanth (#43)
- Implemented Invoke-EasitWebRequest to Get-GOItems @easitanth (#42)
- Updated Convert-EasitXMLToPsObject to comply with PSSA @easitanth (#40)
- Updated Import-GORequestItem to comply with PSSA @easitanth (#39)
- Updated Import-GOOrgItem to comply with PSSA @easitanth (#38)
- Updated New-XMLforEasit to comply with PSSA @easitanth (#37)
- Updated Import-GOContactItem to comply with PSSA @easitanth (#36)
- Updated Get-GOItems to comply with PSSA @easitanth (#35)
- Updated Import-GOAssetItem to comply with PSSA. @easitanth (#34)
- Get-GOItems now returns objects instead of raw xml @easitanth (#33)
@easitab and @easitanth