Bonus Die is a Foundry VTT module that allows the GM to give players 'Bonus Dice' that can be expended at will or traded by the players. Expending a bonus die will trigger a chat message. This messages are costumizable and feature keywords that will be automaticly replaced.
This module can be installed from the Foundry VTT module browser or installed from the module.json
file available in the latest release
This module adds the dungeon master the option to gift the players a Bonus Die. Bonus Dice is a costumizable resource whose utilization should be decided by the game master.
GM side
In order from left to right:
- the 0s represend the players courent number of Bonus Dice
- the + button adds to the player 1 bonus die
- the - button removes one bonus die from the player
Player side
- the dice icon next to the player 2 is the use button, it removes one bonus die from the user and creates a chat message to notify everyone about this (in the future this button will also expose a hook in case anyone wants to make a macro that will trigger on hook or something)
- the gift icon next to player 3 is the gift button, it offers players the option to gift bonus dice to one another, it will also create a chat message to notify eveyone about this
The complete list of keywords that are replaced is:
- [$player] - will be replaced by the name of the player that has triggered the message
- [$otherPlayer] - will be replaced by the target of an action (example in the default message of gifting a bonus die it is replaced by the recipient of the gift)
- [$bonusDie] - will be replaced by the name of the bonus dice (configurable in the settings tab)