All URIs are relative to http://localhost
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
AuthApi | apiAuthValidatePost | POST /api/auth/validate | Validates if the user exists in the database. |
CategoryApi | addCategories | POST /api/category | Adds a list of categories |
CategoryApi | deleteCategory | DELETE /api/category/{name} | Elimina una categoría |
CategoryApi | getAllCategories | GET /api/category | Gets all categories |
CategoryApi | getCategoryByName | GET /api/category/{nameCategory} | Gets a category by its name |
CategoryApi | updateCategory | PUT /api/category/{name} | Updates a category |
InventoryApi | getAllProducts | GET /api/inventory | Gets all products. |
InventoryApi | getProductByName | GET /api/inventory/product/{name} | Gets a product by its name. |
InventoryApi | getProductsByCategoryName | GET /api/inventory/{categoryName} | Gets the products of a category. |
InventoryApi | updateBySupplierReceipt | PUT /api/inventory/supplierreceipt | Updates the inventory of products by supplier receipt. |
InventoryApi | updateInventory | PUT /api/inventory/{movementCategory} | Updates the inventory of products. |
ProductApi | addProduct | POST /api/product/{NIT} | Adds a product to a supplier and assigns categories to the product and her movement |
ProductApi | deleteProduct | DELETE /api/product/{name} | deletes a product |
ProductApi | updateProduct | PUT /api/product/{name} | Updates a product |
SupplierApi | addSupplier | POST /api/supplier | Adds a supplier |
SupplierApi | deleteSupplier | DELETE /api/supplier/{NIT} | Deletes a supplier |
SupplierApi | getAllSuppliers | GET /api/supplier | Gets all suppliers |
SupplierApi | getSupplierByNIT | GET /api/supplier/{NIT} | Gets a supplier by its NIT |
SupplierApi | updateSupplier | PUT /api/supplier/{NIT} | Updates a supplier |
UserApi | addUser | POST /api/user | Adds a new user. |
UserApi | getAllUsers | GET /api/user | Retrieves all users. |
UserApi | getUserByEmail | GET /api/user/{email} | Retrieves a user by their email address. |
UserApi | updateUser | PUT /api/user/{email} | update a user by their email address. |
- AddressRequest
- AddressResponse
- AddressUpdateRequest
- AuthRequest
- AuthResponse
- CategoryProductsResponse
- CategoryRequest
- CategoryResponseName
- DocumentType
- Mesurement
- MovementCategory
- MovementRequest
- MovementResponse
- ProblemDetails
- ProductRequest
- ProductResponse
- SupplierDto
- SupplierResponse
- SupplierUpdateDto
- UnitMeasurement
- UserRequest
- UserResponse
- UserUpdateRequest
All endpoints do not require authorization.