- automatically pick up added series and update their metadata and thumbnail
- manually search and identify series (http endpoints or cli commands)
- match entire library or a series (http endpoints or cli commands)
In addition, you can also install userscript that adds komf integration directly to komga and kavita ui allowing you to launch manual or automatic metadata identification
./gradlew clean shadowjar
(output is in /build/libs)
Requires Java 17 or higher
java -jar komf-1.0-SNAPSHOT-all.jar <path to config>
version: "3.7"
image: sndxr/komf:latest
container_name: komf
- "8085:8085"
user: "1000:1000"
environment: # optional env config
- KOMF_KOMGA_BASE_URI=http://komga:8080
- [email protected]
- KOMF_KAVITA_BASE_URI=http://kavita:5000
- KOMF_KAVITA_API_KEY=16707507-d05d-4696-b126-c3976ae14ffb
- /path/to/config:/config #path to directory with application.yml and database file
restart: unless-stopped
baseUri: http://localhost:8080 #or env:KOMF_KOMGA_BASE_URI
komgaUser: [email protected] #or env:KOMF_KOMGA_USER
komgaPassword: admin #or env:KOMF_KOMGA_PASSWORD
enabled: false # if disabled will not connect to komga and won't pick up newly added entries
libraries: [ ] # listen to all events if empty
libraries: [ ] # Will send notifications if any notification source is enabled. If empty will send notifications for all libraries
# Update modes is the way komf will update metadata.
# If you're using anything other than API then your existing files might be modified with embedded metadata
updateModes: [ API ] # can use multiple options at once. available options are API, COMIC_INFO
aggregate: false # if enabled will search and aggregate metadata from all configured providers
mergeTags: false # if true and aggregate is enabled will merge tags from all providers
mergeGenres: false # if true and aggregate is enabled will merge genres from all providers
bookCovers: false # update book thumbnails
seriesCovers: false # update series thumbnails
seriesTitle: false # update series title
seriesTitleLanguage: "en" # series title update language
alternativeSeriesTitles: false # use other title types as alternative title option
alternativeSeriesTitleLanguages: # alternative title languages
- "en"
- "ja"
- "ja-ro"
orderBooks: false # will order books using parsed volume or chapter number
scoreTag: false # adds score tag of format "score: 8" only uses integer part of rating. Can be used in search using query: tag:"score: 8" in komga
readingDirectionValue: # override reading direction for all series. should be one of these: LEFT_TO_RIGHT, RIGHT_TO_LEFT, VERTICAL, WEBTOON
languageValue: # set default language for series. Must use BCP 47 format e.g. "en"
baseUri: "http://localhost:5000" #or env:KOMF_KAVITA_BASE_URI
apiKey: "16707507-d05d-4696-b126-c3976ae14ffb" #or env:KOMF_KAVITA_API_KEY
enabled: false # if disabled will not connect to kavita and won't pick up newly added entries
libraries: [ ] # listen to all events if empty
libraries: [ ] # Will send notifications if any notification source is enabled. If empty will send notifications for all libraries
# Update modes is the way komf will update metadata.
# If you're using anything other than API then your existing files might be modified with embedded metadata
# can use multiple options at once. available options are API, COMIC_INFO
# experimental OPF mode is available for epub books. This mode is using calibre system install to update metadata
updateModes: [ API ]
aggregate: false # if enabled will search and aggregate metadata from all configured providers
mergeTags: false # if true and aggregate is enabled will merge tags from all providers
mergeGenres: false # if true and aggregate is enabled will merge genres from all providers
bookCovers: false #update book thumbnails
seriesCovers: false #update series thumbnails
seriesTitle: false #update series title
seriesTitleLanguage: "en" # series title update language
alternativeSeriesTitles: false # use other title types as alternative title option
alternativeSeriesTitleLanguages: # alternative title language. Only first language is used. Use single value for consistency
- "ja-ro"
orderBooks: false # will order books using parsed volume or chapter number. works only with COMIC_INFO
languageValue: # set default language for series. Must use BCP 47 format e.g. "en"
webhooks: #list of discord webhook urls. Will call these webhooks after series or books were added
descriptionTemplate: "discordWebhook.vm" # description template filename
seriesCover: false # include series cover in message. Requires imgurClientId
templatesDirectory: "./" # path to a directory with templates
file: ./database.sqlite #database file location.
malClientId: "" #required for mal provider. See https://myanimelist.net/forum/?topicid=1973077
priority: 10
enabled: true
mediaType: "MANGA" # filter used in matching. Can be NOVEL or MANGA. MANGA type includes everything except novels
# roles mapping can be applied the same way to any other provider
authorRoles: [ "WRITER" ] # roles that will be mapped to author role
artistRoles: [ "PENCILLER","INKER","COLORIST","LETTERER","COVER" ] # roles that will be mapped to artist role
priority: 20
enabled: false
mediaType: "MANGA" # filter used in matching. Can be NOVEL or MANGA. MANGA type includes everything except novels
priority: 30
enabled: false
priority: 40
enabled: false
mediaType: "MANGA" # filter used in matching. Can be NOVEL or MANGA. MANGA type includes everything except novels
tagsScoreThreshold: 60 # tags with this score or higher will be included
tagsSizeLimit: 15 # amount of tags that will be included
priority: 50
enabled: false
mediaType: "MANGA" # filter used in matching. Can be NOVEL or MANGA.
priority: 60
enabled: false
priority: 70
enabled: false
priority: 80
enabled: false
mediaType: "MANGA" # filter used in matching. Can be NOVEL or MANGA.
priority: 90
enabled: false
port: 8085 #or env:KOMF_SERVER_PORT
logLevel: INFO #or env:KOMF_LOG_LEVEL
You can configure a set of metadata update options that will only be used with specified library. If no options are specified for a library then default options will be used. kavita or komga library ids are used as library identifiers
aggregate: false
updateModes: [ API ]
aggregate: false
bookCovers: false
seriesCovers: false
seriesTitle: false
titleType: LOCALIZED
alternativeSeriesTitles: false
aggregate: true
seriesCovers: true
You can configure a set of metadata providers that will only be used with specified library. If no providers are specified for a library then default providers will be used. kavita or komga library ids are used as library identifiers
priority: 10
enabled: true
priority: 10
enabled: true
priority: 20
enabled: true
priority: 10
enabled: true
priority: 20
enabled: true
By default, all metadata will be fetched from the first positive match in configured providers by order of priority. If
you want to enable metadata aggregation from multiple sources you need to set aggregateMetadata
to true in the config.
If enabled, initial metadata will be taken from the first positive match in configured providers. Additional search request will be made to all the other configured providers and metadata will be aggregated from the results. Metadata fields will only be set from another provider if previous provider did not have any data for that particular field. For example provider1 did not return thumbnail in that case thumbnail will be taken from provider2
You can configure which fields each provider will have in the config both for series and books. By default, all available fields will be fetched. Example of default fields configuration
priority: 10
enabled: true
authorRoles: [ "WRITER" ]
status: true
title: true
titleSort: true
summary: true
publisher: true
readingDirection: true
ageRating: true
language: true
genres: true
tags: true
totalBookCount: true
authors: true
thumbnail: true
releaseDate: true
links: true
score: true
books: true
useOriginalPublisher: true # prefer original publisher and volume information if source has data about multiple providers. If false will use english or other available publisher
#TagName: if specified and if provider has data about publisher in that language then additional tag will be added using format ({TagName}: publisherName)
#e.g. originalPublisherTagName: "Original Publisher" will add tag "Original Publisher: Shueisha"
title: true
summary: true
number: true
numberSort: true
releaseDate: true
authors: true
tags: true
isbn: true
links: true
thumbnail: true
If you want to disable particular field you just need to set the field value to false
priority: 10
enabled: true
thumbnail: false
if any webhook urls are specified then after new book is added a call to webhooks will be triggered. You can change
message format by providing your own template files and specifying directory path in templatesDirectory
under discord configuration. For
docker deployments templates should be
placed in mounted /config
directory without specifying templatesDirectory
# Example config
title: # title string template
titleUrl: # title url string template
descriptionTemplate: "discordWebhook.vm" # description template filename
# list of field blocks.
# - name: "field name" # string template
# templateName: "field1.vm" # template filename
# inline: true # if true sets multiple field blocks to the same row
footerTemplate: # footer template filename
seriesCover: false # include series cover in message
colorCode: "1F8B4C" # hex color code for message sidebar
webhooks: #list of discord webhook urls. Will call these webhooks after series or books were added
templatesDirectory: "./" # path to a directory with templates
Templates are written using Apache Velocity (link to docs).
## Example of the default description template
#if ($series.metadata.summary != "")
#if($books.size() == 1)
***new book was added to library $library.name:***
***new books were added to library $library.name:***
#foreach ($book in $books)
// Variables available in templates:
interface Webhook {
library: {
id: string,
name: string
series: {
id: string,
name: string,
bookCount: number,
metadata: {
status: string,
title: string,
titleSort: string,
alternativeTitles: { label: string, title: string }[],
summary: string,
readingDirection?: string,
publisher?: string,
alternativePublishers: string[],
ageRating?: number,
language?: string,
genres: string[],
tags: string[],
totalBookCount?: number,
authors: { name: string, role: string }[],
releaseYear: number,
liks: { label: string, url: string }[],
books: {
id: string,
name: string,
number: int,
metadata: {
title: string,
summary: string,
number: string,
releaseDate: string,
authors: { name: string, role: string }
tags: string[],
isbn?: string,
links: { label: string, url: string }[]
mediaServer: string //can be `KOMGA` or `KAVITA`
You can run komf as a daemon server or as a cli tool for one-off operation
java -jar komf.jar [OPTIONS]
- config directory that will be used for all external files including config file. Config file must be
named application.yml
. This option overrides all other config path options
- path to config file
- flag to enable debug messages
- media server on which to execute subcommands. Available values are komga
or kavita
. Defaults to komga if not
provided. Ignored in server mode
subcommands will launch komf without starting server or event listener and will perform specified operation. Example of a command:
java -jar komf.jar --config-file=./application.yml series update 09PQAG2PDNW4V
komf series search NAME
- searches series in komga by specified name
komf series update ID
- launches metadata auto identification for provided series id
komf series identify ID
- manual identification that allows you to choose from the list of metadata provider search
komf series reset ID
- resets all metadata for provided series id
komf library update ID
- launches metadata auto identification for provided library id
komf library reset ID
- resets all metadata for provided library id
use komga or kavita in place of {media-server}
GET /{media-server}/providers
- list of enabled metadata providers. Optional libraryId
parameter can be used for library providers
GET /{media-server}/search?name=...
- search results from enabled metadata providers. Optional libraryId
parameter can be used for
library providers
POST /{media-server}/identify
- set series metadata from specified provider
"libraryId": "09TDSWK3Q0XRA",
"seriesId": "07XF6HKAWHHV4",
"provider": "MANGA_UPDATES",
"providerSeriesId": "1"
POST /{media-server}/match/library/{libraryId}/series/{seriesId}
try to match series
POST /{media-server}/match/library/{libraryId}
try to match series of a library
POST /{media-server}/reset/library/{libraryId}/series/{seriesId}
reset all metadata of a series
POST /{media-server}/reset/library/{libraryId}
reset metadata of all series in a library