- 🔭 I’m working as a research software engineer at the Swiss Federal Labs of Materials Science in Zürich 🇨🇭
- 📫 How to reach me: by email
hi AT edobld DOT me
, or on LinkedIn. - 🌐 Check out my now page or my personal blog if you want to know more about me
- ➡️ Pushed 1 commit in edoardob90/aoc2024 on branch
- #1193b98 Day 25: Python
I'm missing 16 stars to complete the calendar
- ➡️ Pushed 1 commit in edoardob90/aoc2024 on branch
- #83c1323 Day 23: Python
Quite slow: Time (mean ± σ): 927.7 ms ± 3.8 ms
- ➡️ Pushed 1 commit in edoardob90/aoc2024 on branch
- #5729a46 Day 18: Python (part 1)
Test doesn't work on the example: n=7 (the actual grid size) outputs a path length of 18 instead of 22. Must set n=9 to obtain the correct result.
- ➡️ Pushed 1 commit in edoardob90/aoc2024 on branch
- #f2a1717 Day 19: code reformat
- ➡️ Pushed 3 commits in edoardob90/aoc2024 on branch
How the "search" method of the "Trie" class works
- #29ba132 Day 19: Python (p1)