This document describes installing the Grid container spike to a Kubernetes cluster.
This branch differs from master in these key ways:
The Guardian deployment assumes that various configuration files will be available at specific file system locations (application config files ans EC2 profiles) This is incompatible with the idea that the configuration should be provided by the container orchestrator.
The Grid applications are Play framework applications. We'd like move all the configuration back to standard Play application.conf files with one file per application. We're happy to tolerate some duplication in the configuration as this helps to document the dependencies which each specific deployable really needs.
Specifically, we've removed the dependencies on /etc/gu and the Guardian native format .properties files. EC2 access is migrated from profiles to access keys.
To enable the simplest possible unboxing some advanced features with differcult dependencies have been feature toggled off. These include Cloud Front thumbnails, permissions, costs and Cloud Watch metrics. These features can be renabled by provisioning their dependencies and then configuring them.
With all of user specific configuration removed from the Docker images it's safe to publish them to public repositories on docker hub. This makes then available for use by users who do not wish to build their own deployables, speeding up the unboxing experience.
The Guardian deployment maps each service to a unique hostname; this ingress used here maps services to sub paths on the same hostname as the UI. This makes it easier to obtain the required SSL certificate.
Before starting you will need to obtain these dependencies. The specifices of how todo this have been deliberately left up to to the you.
If you are evaluating the Grid them it's probably a useful exercise to build out and understand these dependencies.
The Grid uses the Guardian's Panda authentication system. Panda requires a 3rd party OAuth provider; typically this will be a Google Cloud Platform project.
TODO instructions
AWS S3 buckets are the Grid's primary input and outputs.
Original source images. This is a private bucket.
Render thumbnails of the original images. This is a private bucket used by the Grid UI.
Crops exported from the Grid and published here.
This bucket should be a public docroot.
The image, thumbs and crops buckets are accessed from the GRID UI and need to have CORS enabled.
Grid components share events on an SNS queue.
Each message consumer has a separate SQS queue. These SQS queues are subscribed to the Grid SNS queue.
Update events intended for thrall.
#### Metadata queue
Update events intended for meta-data editor.
collections, image-collections, leases and metadata
### PANDA Auth configuration bucket
Needed for cropper (TODO try to mitigate this requirement)
ie. cropper-123abc
An AWS EC2 access key with permission to access the S3 buckets and queues mentioned above.
Pick a fully qualified, correctly resolving hostname which your Grid deployment will run on. If this is a local deployment you may need to edit your hosts file to make it resolve.
The PANDA auth system mandates secure cookies, hence the requirement for SSL even on local deployments. Self signed certificates might work but your mileage may vary.
Review the skeleton configuration files and localise them with the details of your AWS dependencies from above.
Load your configuration into your cluster as config maps
cd kubernetes
kubectl create configmap auth --from-file=auth/application.conf
kubectl create configmap collections --from-file=collections/application.conf
kubectl create configmap cropper --from-file=cropper/application.conf
kubectl create configmap image-loader --from-file=cropper/application.conf
kubectl create configmap imgops --from-file=imgops/nginx.conf
kubectl create configmap kahuna --from-file=kahuna/application.conf
kubectl create configmap leases --from-file=leases/application.conf
kubectl create configmap media-api --from-file=media-api/application.conf
kubectl create configmap metadata-editor --from-file=metadata-editor/application.conf
kubectl create configmap thrall --from-file=thrall/application.cond
Colour profiles are supplied as configuration:
kubectl create configmap profiles --from-file=profiles
Apply the following to deploy the Grid services into your cluster. By doing this you are downloading and running unofficial 3rd party container images. The deployment will pick up configuration from the cluster config maps you installed above.
kubectl apply -f
Confirm the services are registered:
kubectl get services
auth NodePort <none> 9011:32111/TCP 13s
collections NodePort <none> 9010:32110/TCP 13s
cropper NodePort <none> 9006:32106/TCP 13s
image-loader NodePort <none> 9003:32103/TCP 13s
imgops NodePort <none> 80:32108/TCP 13s
kahuna NodePort <none> 9005:32105/TCP 13s
leases NodePort <none> 9012:32112/TCP 13s
media-api NodePort <none> 9001:32101/TCP 13s
metadata-editor NodePort <none> 9007:32107/TCP 13s
thrall NodePort <none> 9002:32102/TCP 13s
And that the pods have started:
tony@kubernetes:~/git/kubernetes/grid$ kubectl get pods
auth-5f6bccdf65-pxh5m 0/1 ContainerCreating 0 100s
collections-6794d66cb8-c7k6d 0/1 ContainerCreating 0 100s
cropper-58d8f98fc7-g9wmm 0/1 ContainerCreating 0 100s
image-loader-ccc5cb76-p9hp4 0/1 ContainerCreating 0 100s
imgops-579597f775-lkwgw 0/1 ContainerCreating 0 100s
kahuna-f87c9d68d-gsg9l 0/1 ContainerCreating 0 100s
leases-86d6d5bd98-flmlg 0/1 ContainerCreating 0 99s
media-api-bc4b47f8-mkvlj 0/1 ContainerCreating 0 99s
metadata-editor-84bb8b79b-fgvk9 0/1 ContainerCreating 0 99s
thrall-5c47c5b4ff-9xk8q 0/1 ContainerCreating 0 99s
Ensure that your cluster has a functioning Ingress controller. This isn't straight forward but NGINX Ingress Controller works for a local deployment.
Install your SSL certificate as a cluster secret
kubectl create secret tls grid-ssl-secret --key privkey.pem --cert fullchain.pem
Localise and apply the supplied ingress resource. This ingress resource has been tested with the NGINX Ingress Controller; milage will almost certainly vary with Cloud ingress controllers.
kubectl apply -f ingress-resource.yaml
Confirm that the ingress is working by hitting the cluster with a browser
Things which changed from master in order of appearance.
Remove common-lib application.conf Want services to be independent.
Split URL building out from Config; they’re probably separate concerns.
Move from AWS profile to access keys As they are easier to inject as config, where as a profile implies specific file system elements been to be in the image.
Pull the contains of /etc/gu/*.properties into Play config So that the properties files don’t need to be in our images; makes the build easier.
Log to console if you’re not already. Also consider stripping logback config out of common-config so that each deploy is in control of it’s own logging.
Build Docker images rather than RiffRaff AMIs
Feature toggle Cloud Formation thumbnails Because it’s hard to setup. If clloudfront config is omitted, then it should just proceed with direct bucket access.
There’s a concept of image buckets which provide image urls (over and above s3 client behaviour) which needs to be codified:
Feature toggle quotas Quota config means move buckets and a JSON config format to understand.
Feature toggle out permissions Looks like DI’ing a permissions handler would help;
Bypassed it by DI’ing a Grant all permissions implementation.
Pass in colour profiles as config (as the Facebook one might not be open source).
Moved messages to SQS with the new message format. Pulled and interface for MessageSender so that something like a RabbittMQ implementation can be demoed
Featured toggled message queue publishers]
Croppers callback to the Media API is problematic if you want to make an internal container to container call: The Cropper media api auth is also a problem as it makes you implement the api key store; pass through the user’s cookie?
Feature toggle CloudWatch metrics.
Kahaua should make signed calls to the crops bucket so that it doesn’t beed special public config (none of the other buckets have this).