A public git version of my research projects, i.e. articles and all that. The publication list and bibliographies are stored in my university web site, along with pdf versions of the publications. The versions on this git repository are author’s post-publication versions, unless otherwise noted. They have been re-formatted for optimal screen reading, which I currently believe is A5 (tablet) size, using hyperref package. Many house styles conflict with this formatting, and therefore the papers from this repo look very different from the originals.
The name of the repo refers to broken telephone / indian whisper gag in Simpsons episode PTA Disbands (S6E21), which you should find very relevant to my research.
The directory names follow the hierarchy of year-event-topic, where topic is optional. The makefiles create the paper in format Pirinen-year-event..., this is to identify that it is my author's post-publication draft version. The makefiles should also try to reproduce the results in the paper, if possible. This is what open science, the only proper form of science is about. For more details, see: Reproducibility Repeatability, and Reproducing NLP research...