What's Changed
- New JSON key "ref" to use JSON labels for kip values in Kip Info @efosamark.
Example:"ref": "full/path/to/json"
- New key 'has_zero' and the ability to specify the prompt is added for sliders by @efosamark. Full command syntax is:
slider_kip <header> <min> <max> <step> <offset> [has_zero] [{prompt_text}]
has_zero - is indicator that additional step with value 0 needs to be added to the leftmost side of the slider. Optional.
prompt_text - the text that is to be displayed under the slider. Optional.
- Moved to the latest dependencies by @IrneRacoonovich
- Fixes to labels processing by @i3sey
- Fixed the issue where long display text is not displayed correctly @IrneRacoonovich
- Fixed crash when 'download' or 'unzip' are called not in SubMenu by @IrneRacoonovich
- Removed nx-ovlloader version from the main display by @IrneRacoonovich
- Enabled scrolling of menus and text with right stick by @efosamark
- Added default for
in Kip Info JSONs by @efosamark. Now, if this key is omitted - default value 4 is used. - Fixed problem with dec<->hex translation for negative values @efosamark
Please note, that to properly display decimal values in the Kip Info - you need to specify Length: 4 (default)
- Fixed switching to packages when trying to change overlay priority by @IrneRacoonovich
- Compilation optimization by @IrneRacoonovich
- Code cleanup by @i3sey, @IrneRacoonovich, @efosamark
Full Changelog: https://github.com/efosamark/Uberhand-Overlay/compare/2.2.5...