Developing with ROS on an arm mac is... painful. This little project aims to be a generic developer workflow for ROS environments that doesn't require VMs or additional work on a macbook. Someday GitHub will add arm support and building a base environment from scratch every time won't be necessary.
I use this workflow to avoid having to install ros natively on my machine by mounting workspaces into a pre-built ros development environment. This way I can get started working with a ros project quickly, even if it does not have or has a broken docker developer workflow.
- Docker
- XQuartz
- Mesa Drivers (either with homebrew or:
Be sure to give containers display access with: xhost +localhost
, prior to launch.
Change the default user info in the compose file to match your system setup.
Then set a workspace to mount into the container.
# Build the base image
$ docker compose build develop
# Launch a container with a new workspace
$ docker compose up develop -d
# Do stuff
$ docker compose exec develop bash
Right now I'm testing the graphical environment with xclock
and glxheads
They can be installed in the container after launch with,
$ sudo apt install mesa-utils x11-apps
With this setup graphics acceleration is working fine but gz still segfaults for a variety of reasons.