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eirikh1996 edited this page Sep 10, 2021 · 8 revisions

The Hyperspace expansion is an expansion that allows space crafts to travel at faster than light speeds betweel two locations in a space world, or between two space worlds


Hyperspace world: Hyperspace
Hyperspace travel speed: 300.0
Hyperspace warmup ship size multiplier: 0.0
Beacon range: 200
Hyperspace enter sound: 'entity.enderman.teleport'
Hyperspace exit sound: 'entity.enderman.teleport'
Hyperspace charge sound: 'entity.ender_dragon.ambient'
Max hyperdrives on craft:
  Starfighter: 1
  Starship: 2
Max gravity wells on craft:
  Starfighter: 1
  Starship: 2
Allowed craft types for hyperspace sign:
  - Starfighter
  - Starship
Allowed craft types for jump command:
  - Starfighter
  - Starship
  type: EMERALD
  name: ''
Extra mass shadow range:
  planets: 0
  stars: 0

Means to travel through hyperspace


Currently, beacons are the only way to enter hyperspace. Beacons are large satelite-like structures that a space craft flies up to a beacon and makes contact with it. These structures are usually found next to planetary systems

Hyperspace sign (Upcoming HyperspaceExpansion v1.3)

Place down a sign containing [hyperspace] on first line. Clicking it will make the craft travel in the direction of the sign up to the range of the hyperdrives on the craft within the space world

/jump command (Upcoming HyperspaceExpansion v1.3)

This command allow the craft to travel towards a two dimentional coordinate within a space world. Syntax is /jump <targetX> <targetZ>. If target coordinates are out of reach for the hyperdrives total range, a new target coordinate pair within the range will be assigned



In order to jump through hyperspace, you need hypermatter (default: emerald) in your hyperdrives

Hyperdrives (Upcoming HyperspaceExpansion v1.3)

Hyperdrives are structures that are added to space crafts in order to be able to travel through hyperspace.

Creating and saving a hyperdrive structre (admins only)

Hyperdrives must consist of a minimum of 1 inventory block (such as a hopper, chest, dropper, etc) and one sign. After making a struture for a hyperdrive, select the structure using the Selection API (default: stone hoe). Then save the structure using /hyperdrive save <range> <warmupTime> [craft types allowed]


Activating a hyperdrive requires the permission movecraftspace.hyperdrive.<hyperdrive name>.create

Builing a hyperdrive structure

Players can build a hyperdrive structure according to the structure saved by the admins, then place a sign at the structure with [hyperdrive] on the first line.

Hyperdrive examples:

Mass shadows:

In order to enter hyperspace, crafts must stay clear of mass shadows that are created by planets, stars and gravity wells mounted on space crafts. Mass shadows will also pull a craft out of hyperspace if caught in one

Gravity wells

Gravity wells are structures on crafts that project an artificial gravity field to pull crafts out of hyperspace and prevent crafts from entering it

Creating and saving a gravity well structre (admins only)

Gravity wells must consist of one sign in addition to other blocks making up the structure. After making a struture for a gravity well, select the structure using the Selection API (default: stone hoe). Then save the structure using /gravitywell save <name> <range> [craft types allowed]


Permission Description
movecraftspace.hyperspace.sign Grants permission to use Hyperspace sign
