Arduino based remote controll for concealed SoHo infrared controlled input swithers. It controls Key Digital 4x1 HDMI swicher via infrared eye by default. Active output is displayed in the 16x2 I²C LCD screen. It can controll any IR equipment, if the protocol is supported by IR library and the controll valueas are provided via the H file. The LCD displays the name of the current output (configurable). The button will cycle the outputs.
The device is confugurable via the serial interface. You can rename the outputs and set any of them to be skiped. Valuea are stored in the flash memory of the uC.
SELECT - select output for manipulations
ENABLE - enable the selected output
DISABLE - disable the selected output
NAME - rename the selected output
STATE - print state to serial port
LEARN - read the IR code (the receiver must be connected) and print it to the serial port
SWITCH - switch to the selected input
? - help on use