The assigment was to Build a JavaScript Pizzeria by using basic JavaScript concepts like variables, conditionals, and native methods.
I tried to plan the project by setting "goals" for each day. f.eks: day 3: do step 3 and 4. I wanted to have as much as possible done by the demo on friday. I also knew that I would not have time to do the stretch goals this weekend so I focused on getting the 5 steps done, but if I had more time I would have wanted to do the stretch goals.
I'm not good at asking for help, so doing so in slack was for me the hardest part this week. Everyone was very helpful so hopefully I´ll remember that for next time.
I tried a few things (that didn´t work) by making a duplicate of the code where I tested things. The reason for this is that I ruined a lot during the pre-course by "testing" and had a hard time figuring out how to "go back" to where the problems started.
added after: capital letter in name in alert, order confirmation tolowercase
to do? stretch goals?
git add . git commit -m “descriptive message” git push origin main