Elektor Labs Projects
Elektor AVR Boards Packages for Arduino IDE
Arduino IDE support for AVR-based boards designed by Elektor Labs.
eRIC Nitro (150308)
Arduino compatible board with radio.
MLX90393 driver
Melexis' triaxis magnetic field sensor.
ADS1115 driver
Texas Instruments' I2C-compatible 16-bit ADC.
Elektor Labs Preferred Parts Libraries
Component libraries for Eagle, Altium and DesignSPark PCB.
Flexible Christmas tree (130478)
Flex-PCB design for a Christmas tree.
BME280 driver
Bosch Sensortech integrated environmental (humidity, temperature and pressure) sensor.
Platino universal AVR board (150555)
Universal PCB for 28-pin and 40-pin DIP AVR devices with UI peripherals.
Multipurpose Shield (129009-1)
Arduino compatible shield supporting all sorts of sensors and circuits.
LEGO LED (150244)
A tiny PCB to help adding LEDs to LEGO projects.
J2B Synthesizer
An ARM-Cortex-M3-based music synthesizer.