Two robots stand in front of each other and play rounds of turn-based rock-paper-scissors. Each robot should be able to detect what the other robot plays and react with a win or lose animation, after the game has finished. You can either choose to play yourself against an AI or let 2 AI's battle each other. The AI will play the dominant strategy, meaning rock, paper or scissors with a probability of 1/3.
We used the code framework from the lecture and added our own code. The files from the project can be found in '/SSPLProjekt'. For the GUI to work you need to install the package PySimpleGUI 'pip install PySimpleGUI'.
- move_agents.ipynb: This notebook can be used to create keyframe data for the robot gestures. Execute all the cells in the right order while having Simspark running. A demo will be provided in the final presentation.
- /SSPLProjekt/new_keyframes: This folder contains all the newly generated keyframes., and are the game's gestures. and are the reactions played after a round to show the result.
- Contains the gui code. You don't need to execute this, as it is additionally integrated in
- Contains the Client-Server-Implementation for the robots to communicate and play a game of rock-paper-scissors. While having Simspark open, execute the main function at the bottom to make it work.
Our Group: Christopher Dukart (358925), Bruno Lönne (402214), Eloi Sandt (401675)