🔭 I’m currently working on Full-Stack Applications
👨💻 All of my projects are Located below!
💬 Ask me about React, JavaScript, Python
📫 How to reach me [email protected]
🔭 I’m currently working on Full-Stack Applications
👨💻 All of my projects are Located below!
💬 Ask me about React, JavaScript, Python
📫 How to reach me [email protected]
Lookr - Is a Facial Landmark detection application which utilizes Tensorflow.Js & MediaPipeFacemesh to pinpoint 468 points around the users face to then create a landmark which corresponds to the u…
Gugel is a google clone made from scratch. Utilizing Reacts Context API, this application pulls all search capabilities from the Google API. With only 100 Quotas a day, this optimized Search Engine…
This is my portfolio website which showcases my projects and my ability to make applications with my programming experience and knowledge. Check it out to see my recent projects!
This application utilizes ReactJS and multiple APIs to help those in need of how to performing exercises in the gym. With only 500 quotas a month, this application shows and what to do in the gym.
In this project, I used React.JS, Next.js, Sanity CMS (Backend), TypeScript, SSR, Tailwind, & NextAuth.js for authentication. Utilizing new technologies was a great way to learn!
In this React Native project, I incorporated Google APIs along with redux. UI/UX was smooth and responsive and so was the API, being able to map how far the distance between two points and how much…