Dette er frontende. Den er bygd med Nextjs 14, tailwind css og Framer motion. Vi bruker også Jest og Cypress til testing.
- Endpoint til production:
- Endpoint til Docker:
- Endpoint til Standalone / dev:
.env filen bestemmer endepunktet frontenden skal bruke for å kontakte backend. For å kontakte prod backend bruk:
og for lokal docker-compose / api-gateway bruk: http://localhost:8080
- NodeJS 20
- Git (to clone the repository)
- Docker
This is for running the whole project with the architecture that is intended for production. This is for running all servises as well as the frontend
- Docker
- Docker Compose
To clone the repository and navigate into the frontend directory, run:
git clone [email protected]:idatt2106_2024_11/frontend.git
cd frontend
#Remember to have valid SSH Keys to gitlab!
npm install //for installing
npm run dev
npm install
npm run build
npm run start
To run AuthService as part of the full architecture localy, ensure you have Docker Compose installed and use the following command in the Local
directory containing the docker-compose.yml
docker-compose up
To run the docker-compose in the backgroun use this command:
docker-compose up -d
The docker compose setup includes a MySql database that spins up test data. This data and this database will be different for the production database.