A simple content-based filtering recommender system for University of Michigan events. Write-up here.
In development. Hosted (sometimes) at mywolverine.events.
- Create
file with
GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID=[The app's client ID]
SESSION_SECRET=[key used to sign sessions with. For example, generated w/openssl rand -hex 32]
NTFY_CHANNEL=[ntfy.sh topic for maintenance notifications]
Note: last line must be empty!
- Create
file with
"token":[token used in script],
"url":[appscript url that sends email],
"subject":"Your recommendations are ready",
"recipient":"[email protected]"
- Create
with weekly message. For example:
Your weekly event recommendations are ready at https://mywolverine.events
You received this email because you signed up to the site (https://mywolverine.events) and joined the MCommunity group https://mcommunity.umich.edu/group/Event%20Recommentations. To stop receiving these emails follow the group link and press "Leave Group".
- Install dependencies w/
pip install -r requirements.txt
and runsudo sh serve.sh
- Skip events user has already rated
- diversify feed (sample using predicted rating?)