TodoFC , to do list from console. This is simple command line todo list app. We developers like to work from command line that is why i wrote this application.
You need to download the exe , or you can build the exe from the source code.
- Create a folder
- Move executable program into created folder
- Click on Environment Variables
- Double click on Path
- Click on new and add write the path of the folder.
- Click ok.
- Now you are ready to use TodoFC from console.
Open cmd and type
TodoFC add
After you typed the command ,program will wait input from you.
Open cmd and type TodoFC
This will show uncompleted to do list.
Showing completed todo list
TodoFC show-completed
Showing all todo list
TodoFC show-all
TodoFC mark-as-completed <id>
You have to type todo id , for example
TodoFC mark-as-completed 2
Marking as uncompleted
TodoFC mark-as-uncompleted <id>
TodoFC del <id>
Before delete:
After delete:
- Emir Yusuf Topbaş [email protected]
Licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0