An SMS controlled home thermostat made with an arduino
It is an Arduino home thermostat based on the digital temperature sensor DS18b20 that can me controlled either manually via a rotary knob or remotely via sms!
The SMS commands are:
- passwrdSETxx.xx (where xx.xx is the temperature we want e.g 24.00)
- passwrdSTART
- passwrdSTOP
- passwrdSTATUS
The last command responds with an SMS message about the set point, the current temperature and the current status (Working|Paused|OFF) of the thermostat.
the password is needed to provide unauthorised access and you can set your own password in the Arduino_GSM_LCD_Thermostat.ino file (line 258). The default is "passwrd". If the message does not begin with the right password, then it is discarded!
The schematic (can also be found in the corresponding PDF file) is shown below:
You can find the part list in the The total cost of this project is around 90 - 100euros.
The final project looks like this: