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Asynchronous C++ delegate library can invoke any callable function on a user-specified thread of control.


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Asynchronous Delegates in C++

The C++ delegates library can invoke any callable function synchronously, asynchronously, or on a remote endpoint. This concept unifies all function invocations to simplify multi-threaded and multi-processor development. Well-defined abstract interfaces and numerous concrete examples offer easy porting to any platform. It is a header-only template library that is thread-safe, unit-tested, and easy to use.

// Create an async delegate targeting lambda on thread1
auto lambda = [](int i) { std::cout << i; };
auto lambdaDelegate = MakeDelegate(std::function(lambda), thread1);

// Create an async delegate targeting Class::Func() on thread2
Class myClass;
auto memberDelegate = MakeDelegate(&myClass, &Class::Func, thread2);

// Create a thread-safe delegate container
MulticastDelegateSafe<void(int)> delegates;

// Insert delegates into the container 
delegates += lambdaDelegate;
delegates += memberDelegate;

// Invoke all callable targets asynchronously 

In C++, a delegate function object encapsulates a callable entity, such as a function, method, or lambda, so it can be invoked later. A delegate is a type-safe wrapper around a callable function that allows it to be passed around, stored, or invoked at a later time, typically within different contexts or on different threads. Delegates are particularly useful for event-driven programming, callbacks, asynchronous APIs, or when you need to pass functions as arguments.

Synchronous and asynchronous delegates are available. Asynchronous variants handle both non-blocking and blocking modes with a timeout. The library supports all types of target functions, including free functions, class member functions, static class functions, lambdas, and std::function. It is capable of handling any function signature, regardless of the number of arguments or return value. All argument types are supported, including by value, pointers, pointers to pointers, and references. The delegate library takes care of the intricate details of function invocation across thread boundaries.

It is always safe to call the delegate. In its null state, a call will not perform any action and will return a default-constructed return value. A delegate behaves like a normal pointer type: it can be copied, compared for equality, called, and compared to nullptr. Const correctness is maintained; stored const objects can only be called by const member functions.

A delegate instance can be:

  • Copied freely.
  • Compared to same type delegates and nullptr.
  • Reassigned.
  • Called.

Typical use cases are:

  • Synchronous and Asynchronous Callbacks
  • Event-Driven Programming
  • Inter-process and Inter-processor Communication
  • Inter-Thread Publish/Subscribe (Observer) Pattern
  • Thread-Safe Asynchronous API
  • Asynchronous Method Invocation (AMI)
  • Design Patterns (Active Object)
  • std::async Thread Targeting

The delegate library's asynchronous features differ from std::async in that the caller-specified thread of control is used to invoke the target function bound to the delegate, rather than a random thread from the thread pool. The asynchronous variants copy the argument data into an event queue, ensuring safe transport to the destination thread, regardless of the argument type. This approach provides 'fire and forget' functionality, allowing the caller to avoid waiting or worrying about out-of-scope stack variables being accessed by the target thread.

In short, the delegate library offers features that are not natively available in the C++ standard library to ease multi-threaded application development.

Originally published on CodeProject at: Asynchronous Multicast Delegates in Modern C++

Design Documentation

See Design Details for implementation design documentation and more examples.

See Sample Projects for information on example projects.

See Doxygen Documentation for source code documentation.

See Unit Test Code Coverage test results.

Delegate Library Interfaces

Interfaces provide the delegate library with platform-specific features to ease porting to a target system. Complete example code offer ready-made solutions or allow you to create your own.

Class Interface Notes
Delegate n/a No interfaces; use as-is without external dependencies.
IThread IThread used to send a delegate and argument data through an OS message queue.
DelegateRemote ISerializer
ISerializer used to serialize callable argument data.
IDispatcher used to send serialized argument data to a remote endpoint.

Quick Start

Basic Examples

Simple function definitions.

void FreeFunc(int value) {
	cout << "FreeFuncInt " << value << endl;

class TestClass {
	void MemberFunc(int value) {
		cout << "MemberFunc " << value << endl;

Create delegates and invoke. Function template overloaded MakeDelegate() function is typically used to create a delegate instance.

// Create a delegate bound to a free function then invoke synchronously
auto delegateFree = MakeDelegate(&FreeFunc);

// Create a delegate bound to a member function then invoke synchronously
TestClass testClass;
auto delegateMember = MakeDelegate(&testClass, &TestClass::MemberFunc);

// Create a delegate bound to a member function then invoke asynchronously (non-blocking)
auto delegateMemberAsync = MakeDelegate(&testClass, &TestClass::MemberFunc, workerThread);

// Create a delegate bound to a member function then invoke asynchronously blocking
auto delegateMemberAsyncWait = MakeDelegate(&testClass, &TestClass::MemberFunc, workerThread, WAIT_INFINITE);

Create a delegate container, insert a delegate instance and invoke asynchronously.

// Create a thread-safe multicast delegate container that accepts Delegate<void(int)> delegates
MulticastDelegateSafe<void(int)> delegateSafe;

// Add a delegate to the container that will invoke on workerThread1
delegateSafe += MakeDelegate(&testClass, &TestClass::MemberFunc, workerThread1);

// Asynchronously invoke the delegate target member function TestClass::MemberFunc()

// Remove the delegate from the container
delegateSafe -= MakeDelegate(&testClass, &TestClass::MemberFunc, workerThread1);

Invoke a lambda using a delegate.

DelegateFunction<int(int)> delFunc([](int x) -> int { return x + 5; });
int retVal = delFunc(8);

Asynchronously invoke LambdaFunc1 on workerThread1 and block waiting for the return value.

std::function LambdaFunc1 = [](int i) -> int {
    cout << "Called LambdaFunc1 " << i << std::endl;
    return ++i;

// Asynchronously invoke lambda on workerThread1 and wait for the return value
auto lambdaDelegate1 = MakeDelegate(LambdaFunc1, workerThread1, WAIT_INFINITE);
int lambdaRetVal2 = lambdaDelegate1(123);

Asynchronously invoke AddFunc on workerThread1 using std::async and do other work while waiting for the return value.

// Long running function 
std::function AddFunc = [](int a, int b) {
    return a + b;

// Create async delegate with lambda target function
auto addDelegate = MakeDelegate(AddFunc, workerThread1, WAIT_INFINITE);

// Using std::async, invokes AddFunc on workerThread1
std::future<int> result = std::async(std::launch::async, addDelegate, 5, 3);

cout << "Do work while waiting for AddFunc to complete." << endl;

// Wait for AddFunc return value
int sum = result.get();
cout << "AddFunc return value: " << sum << " ";

Publish/Subscribe Example

A simple publish/subscribe example using asynchronous delegates.


Typically a delegate is inserted into a delegate container. AlarmCd is a delegate container.

Figure 1: AlarmCb Delegate Container

Figure 1: AlarmCb Delegate Container

  1. MulticastDelegateSafe - the delegate container type.
  2. void(int, const string&) - the function signature accepted by the delegate container. Any function matching can be inserted, such as a class member, static or lambda function.
  3. AlarmCb - the delegate container name.

Invoke delegate container to notify subscribers.

MulticastDelegateSafe<void(int, const string&)> AlarmCb;

void NotifyAlarmSubscribers(int alarmId, const string& note)
    // Invoke delegate to generate callback(s) to subscribers
    AlarmCb(alarmId, note);


Typically a subscriber registers with a delegate container instance to receive callbacks, either synchronously or asynchronously.

Figure 2: Insert into AlarmCb Delegate Container

Figure 2: Insert into AlarmCb Delegate Container

  1. AlarmCb - the publisher delegate container instance.
  2. += - add a function target to the container.
  3. MakeDelegate - creates a delegate instance.
  4. &alarmSub - the subscriber object pointer.
  5. &AlarmSub::MemberAlarmCb - the subscriber callback member function.
  6. workerThread1 - the thread the callback will be invoked on. Adding a thread argument changes the callback type from synchronous to asynchronous.

Create a function conforming to the delegate signature. Insert a callable functions into the delegate container.

class AlarmSub
    void AlarmSub()
        // Register to receive callbacks on workerThread1
        AlarmCb += MakeDelegate(this, &AlarmSub::HandleAlarmCb, workerThread1);

    void ~AlarmSub()
        // Unregister from callbacks
        AlarmCb -= MakeDelegate(this, &AlarmSub::HandleAlarmCb, workerThread1);

    void HandleAlarmCb(int alarmId, const string& note)
        // Handle callback here. Called on workerThread1 context.

All Delegate Types Example

A delegate container inserting and removing all delegate types.

WorkerThread workerThread1("WorkerThread1");

static int callCnt = 0;

void FreeFunc(int value) {
    cout << "FreeFunc " << value << " " << ++callCnt << endl;

// Simple test invoking all target types
void TestAllTargetTypes() {
    class Class {
        static void StaticFunc(int value) {
            cout << "StaticFunc " << value << " " << ++callCnt << endl;

        void MemberFunc(int value) {
            cout << "MemberFunc " << value << " " << ++callCnt << endl;

        void MemberFuncConst(int value) const {
            cout << "MemberFuncConst " << value << " " << ++callCnt << endl;

    int stackVal = 100;
    std::function<void(int)> LambdaCapture = [stackVal](int i) {
        std::cout << "LambdaCapture " << i + stackVal << " " << ++callCnt << endl;

    std::function<void(int)> LambdaNoCapture = [](int i) {
        std::cout << "LambdaNoCapture " << i << " " << ++callCnt << endl;

    std::function<void(int)> LambdaForcedCapture = +[](int i) {
        std::cout << "LambdaForcedCapture " << i << " " << ++callCnt << endl;

    Class testClass;
    std::shared_ptr<Class> testClassSp = std::make_shared<Class>();

    // Create a multicast delegate container that accepts Delegate<void(int)> delegates.
    // Any function with the signature "void Func(int)".
    MulticastDelegateSafe<void(int)> delegateA;

    // Add all callable function targets to the delegate container
    // Synchronous delegates
    delegateA += MakeDelegate(&FreeFunc);
    delegateA += MakeDelegate(LambdaCapture);
    delegateA += MakeDelegate(LambdaNoCapture);
    delegateA += MakeDelegate(LambdaForcedCapture);
    delegateA += MakeDelegate(&Class::StaticFunc);
    delegateA += MakeDelegate(&testClass, &Class::MemberFunc);
    delegateA += MakeDelegate(&testClass, &Class::MemberFuncConst);
    delegateA += MakeDelegate(testClassSp, &Class::MemberFunc);
    delegateA += MakeDelegate(testClassSp, &Class::MemberFuncConst);

    // Asynchronous delegates
    delegateA += MakeDelegate(&FreeFunc, workerThread1);
    delegateA += MakeDelegate(LambdaCapture, workerThread1);
    delegateA += MakeDelegate(LambdaNoCapture, workerThread1);
    delegateA += MakeDelegate(LambdaForcedCapture, workerThread1);
    delegateA += MakeDelegate(&Class::StaticFunc, workerThread1);
    delegateA += MakeDelegate(&testClass, &Class::MemberFunc, workerThread1);
    delegateA += MakeDelegate(&testClass, &Class::MemberFuncConst, workerThread1);
    delegateA += MakeDelegate(testClassSp, &Class::MemberFunc, workerThread1);
    delegateA += MakeDelegate(testClassSp, &Class::MemberFuncConst, workerThread1);

    // Asynchronous blocking delegates
    delegateA += MakeDelegate(&FreeFunc, workerThread1, WAIT_INFINITE);
    delegateA += MakeDelegate(LambdaCapture, workerThread1, WAIT_INFINITE);
    delegateA += MakeDelegate(LambdaNoCapture, workerThread1, WAIT_INFINITE);
    delegateA += MakeDelegate(LambdaForcedCapture, workerThread1, WAIT_INFINITE);
    delegateA += MakeDelegate(&Class::StaticFunc, workerThread1, WAIT_INFINITE);
    delegateA += MakeDelegate(&testClass, &Class::MemberFunc, workerThread1, WAIT_INFINITE);
    delegateA += MakeDelegate(&testClass, &Class::MemberFuncConst, workerThread1, WAIT_INFINITE);
    delegateA += MakeDelegate(testClassSp, &Class::MemberFunc, workerThread1, WAIT_INFINITE);
    delegateA += MakeDelegate(testClassSp, &Class::MemberFuncConst, workerThread1, WAIT_INFINITE);

    // Invoke all callable function targets stored within the delegate container

    // Wait for async delegate invocations to complete

    // Remove all callable function targets from the delegate container
    // Synchronous delegates
    delegateA -= MakeDelegate(&FreeFunc);
    delegateA -= MakeDelegate(LambdaCapture);
    delegateA -= MakeDelegate(LambdaNoCapture);
    delegateA -= MakeDelegate(LambdaForcedCapture);
    delegateA -= MakeDelegate(&Class::StaticFunc);
    delegateA -= MakeDelegate(&testClass, &Class::MemberFunc);
    delegateA -= MakeDelegate(&testClass, &Class::MemberFuncConst);
    delegateA -= MakeDelegate(testClassSp, &Class::MemberFunc);
    delegateA -= MakeDelegate(testClassSp, &Class::MemberFuncConst);

    // Asynchronous delegates
    delegateA -= MakeDelegate(&FreeFunc, workerThread1);
    delegateA -= MakeDelegate(LambdaCapture, workerThread1);
    delegateA -= MakeDelegate(LambdaNoCapture, workerThread1);
    delegateA -= MakeDelegate(LambdaForcedCapture, workerThread1);
    delegateA -= MakeDelegate(&Class::StaticFunc, workerThread1);
    delegateA -= MakeDelegate(&testClass, &Class::MemberFunc, workerThread1);
    delegateA -= MakeDelegate(&testClass, &Class::MemberFuncConst, workerThread1);
    delegateA -= MakeDelegate(testClassSp, &Class::MemberFunc, workerThread1);
    delegateA -= MakeDelegate(testClassSp, &Class::MemberFuncConst, workerThread1);

    // Asynchronous blocking delegates
    delegateA -= MakeDelegate(&FreeFunc, workerThread1, WAIT_INFINITE);
    delegateA -= MakeDelegate(LambdaCapture, workerThread1, WAIT_INFINITE);
    delegateA -= MakeDelegate(LambdaNoCapture, workerThread1, WAIT_INFINITE);
    delegateA -= MakeDelegate(LambdaForcedCapture, workerThread1, WAIT_INFINITE);
    delegateA -= MakeDelegate(&Class::StaticFunc, workerThread1, WAIT_INFINITE);
    delegateA -= MakeDelegate(&testClass, &Class::MemberFunc, workerThread1, WAIT_INFINITE);
    delegateA -= MakeDelegate(&testClass, &Class::MemberFuncConst, workerThread1, WAIT_INFINITE);
    delegateA -= MakeDelegate(testClassSp, &Class::MemberFunc, workerThread1, WAIT_INFINITE);
    delegateA -= MakeDelegate(testClassSp, &Class::MemberFuncConst, workerThread1, WAIT_INFINITE);

    ASSERT_TRUE(delegateA.Size() == 0);
    ASSERT_TRUE(callCnt == 27);

Asynchronous API Example

SetSystemModeAsyncAPI() is an asynchronous function call that re-invokes on workerThread2 if necessary.

void SysDataNoLock::SetSystemModeAsyncAPI(SystemMode::Type systemMode)
	// Is the caller executing on workerThread2?
	if (workerThread2.GetThreadId() != WorkerThread::GetCurrentThreadId())
		// Create an asynchronous delegate and re-invoke the function call on workerThread2
		MakeDelegate(this, &SysDataNoLock::SetSystemModeAsyncAPI, workerThread2).AsyncInvoke(systemMode);

	// Create the callback data
	SystemModeChanged callbackData;
	callbackData.PreviousSystemMode = m_systemMode;
	callbackData.CurrentSystemMode = systemMode;

	// Update the system mode
	m_systemMode = systemMode;

	// Callback all registered subscribers

Delegate Classes

Primary delegate library classes.

// Delegates

// Interfaces

DelegateFree<> binds to a free or static member function. DelegateMember<> binds to a class instance member function. DelegateFunction<> binds to a std::function target. All versions offer synchronous function invocation.

DelegateFreeAsync<>, DelegateMemberAsync<> and DelegateFunctionAsync<> operate in the same way as their synchronous counterparts; except these versions offer non-blocking asynchronous function execution on a specified thread of control. IThread and IThreadInvoker interfaces to send messages integrates with any OS.

DelegateFreeAsyncWait<>, DelegateMemberAsyncWait<> and DelegateFunctionAsyncWait<> provides blocking asynchronous function execution on a target thread with a caller supplied maximum wait timeout. The destination thread will not invoke the target function if the timeout expires.

DelegateFreeRemote<>, DelegateMemberRemote<> and DelegateFunctionRemote<> provides non-blocking remote function execution. ISerializer and IRemoteInvoker interfaces support integration with any system.

The three main delegate container classes are:

// Delegate Containers

UnicastDelegate<> is a delegate container accepting a single delegate.

MulticastDelegate<> is a delegate container accepting multiple delegates.

MultcastDelegateSafe<> is a thread-safe container accepting multiple delegates. Always use the thread-safe version if multiple threads access the container instance.

Project Build

CMake is used to create the build files. CMake is free and open-source software. Windows, Linux and other toolchains are supported. Example CMake console commands executed inside the project root directory:

Windows Visual Studio

cmake -G "Visual Studio 17 2022" -A Win32 -B build -S .

cmake -G "Visual Studio 17 2022" -A x64 -B build -S .

cmake -G "Visual Studio 17 2022" -A x64 -B build -S . -DENABLE_ALLOCATOR=ON

After executed, open the Visual Studio project from within the build directory.

Figure 3: Visual Studio Build

Figure 3: Visual Studio Build

Linux Make

cmake -G "Unix Makefiles" -B build -S .

cmake -G "Unix Makefiles" -B build -S . -DENABLE_ALLOCATOR=ON

After executed, build the software from within the build directory using the command make. Run the console app using ./DelegateApp.

Figure 4: Linux Makefile Build

Figure 4: Linux Makefile Build

Related Repositories

Alternative Implementations

Alternative asynchronous implementations similar in concept to C++ delegate.

Projects Using Delegates

Repositories utilizing the delegate library within different multithreaded applications.