entando-plugin-jpmail Mail Plugin
Code: jpmail
Mail Plugin is a component that let Entando users configure SMTP server and create new senders to send email messages.
In order to install the Mail Plugin, you must insert the following dependency in the pom.xml file of your project:
From Entando’s back office, you have to:
- create new Sender: you have to create a new Sender with a Code and an Email. You can have a List of Senders; the Sender will be choosed on the base of its Code.
- configure the SMTP server: you have to active the SMTP server, and then to set Host (mandatory), Port, Security Certification, Timeout parameter.
Please leave Username and Password blank if the SMTP does not require authentication.
Full instructions on how to develop against local versions of upstream projects are available in the entando-parent-bom project.