33e6d3f Added note about the bootseq that skips setprods
1b7bd7f Bitcoin -> Ethereum clock. Hook updates: boot_connect_mesh, boot_network -> boot_node publish_kickstart_data -> boot_publish_genesis, join_network..
f12dc0c Changed comment.. you know.
6902146 Cleaned up a few things generate more test data
f4d423a Don't put my reference as the canonical.. people just copy & paste..
eabd4b9 Extract mesh, so it can be used by other orchestration commands (boot, et.c.)
8129cd9 First pass at meshing
ff945b0 Fixup test
1021204 Implemented the Bitcoin block height randomization of top 20% weighted peers (max 5)
232d056 Made everything 0 indexed as it was hard to follow, fixed bug on last node's first neighbour, added viz for fun
9ae1a2f Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/meshing'
bb3d218 Ok made it interactive... time to sleep
52a967a Updated README.md for sample_config.
baa5da3 Updated hooks, done how has a param: "join", "boot" or "orchestrate"
95384a4 Updated sample config .. renamed discovery_file
to discovery_link
as per the code.