Release 1.3.2a1 #796
20 errors and 2 warnings
Native Linux (c++17)
The run was canceled by @OCopping.
Cross mingw64 DLL
The run was canceled by @OCopping.
Native Linux (libc++ debug)
The run was canceled by @OCopping.
Cross mingw64 static
The run was canceled by @OCopping.
Native Linux (WError)
The run was canceled by @OCopping.
Native Linux with 3.14
The run was canceled by @OCopping.
Native Linux with clang ubsan
The run was canceled by @OCopping.
Native Linux with clang
The run was canceled by @OCopping.
Native Linux with 3.15
The run was canceled by @OCopping.
Native Linux with 7.0.2
The run was canceled by @OCopping.
Native Linux with libevent stable
The run was canceled by @OCopping.
vs2019 DLL
The run was canceled by @OCopping.
vs2019 static
The run was canceled by @OCopping.
Linux fedora latest
The run was canceled by @OCopping.
Linux fedora latest
The operation was canceled.
Linux centos 7
The run was canceled by @OCopping.
Linux centos 7
The operation was canceled.
An unexpected error has occurred and we've been automatically notified. Errors are sometimes temporary, so please try again.
If the problem persists, please check whether the Actions service is operating normally at If not, please try again once the outage has been resolved.
Should you need to contact Support, please visit and include request ID: E562:27378F:18F9064:1BB3827:66AC871D
Linux fedora latest
No files were found with the provided path: **/O.*/*.tap. No artifacts will be uploaded.
Linux centos 7
No files were found with the provided path: **/O.*/*.tap. No artifacts will be uploaded.