1.2.0 (2022-11-21)
Bug Fixes
bannedaddress: use inet instead of inet_res (b6f22e8 )
dialyzer-tests: notifications dismiss refactor to pass dialzyer (c2530ee )
doc: moduledoc -> doc (2eaa912 )
notifications-controller: update call to Validate to work after refactor (d94a449 )
spec: %Ecto.Changeset{} -> Ecto.Changeset.t() (e927ce6 )
configs: broadcast from ipv6 local address (c8a0fe5 )
credo: add credo, configure and fix refactor suggestions (6f7e455 )
custom-errors: dynamic error messages for invalid payload, to be used with validation (711e795 )
dismiss-mention: broadcast refeshMentions upon dismiss mention api call (888b6fc )
logout-websocket: implement websocket logout (3c13edd )
mentions: add mentions api route for pagination, includes controller/view (85de2da )
mentions: implement db method for paginating mentions by user_id (292da2c )
mentions: port mentions model (b70bbdd )
notifications: add routes for counts and dismiss (14209b9 )
pagination-helper: add generic way to paginate database queries, includes tests (eb19e11 )
posts: port posts model for use with mentions (24bd194 )
role-channel: implement role channel websocket (4c6da04 )
session: use jti for session id, it's unique and already generated (a1c59da )
threads: port thread models for use with mentions (3700d80 )
user-controller-test: added test for banned_address (1d0d2c0 )
user-controller-test: added user_controller_test for testing API routes from user_controller (a57babb )
user-preferences: implement api route to fetch user preferences (362c85f )
validate: implement generic casting module for incoming payload parameters (ff9d705 )
validation: add module for validating query parameters not associated with a model. Fix notifications count to use new validation method (8da2d7c )
websockets: basic phoenix websockets skeleton with auth (c215dcb )
websockets: implement public channel for broadcasting announcements (2b570f1 )
websockets: use Presence to track which users are connected to socket (dbe1a20 )
"chore(github-actions): build docker image with branch tag" (e8b195f )
"chore(github-actions): get postgres configs from environment in test configs" (64326b9 )
"chore(github-actions): install deps with MIX_ENV=test" (ba09e3d )
"chore(github-actions): run mix deps.get before mix test" (aeabfc0 )
"chore(github-actions): try building docker image for testing" (0f66d3b )
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