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Add fst announce_peek and epi1 examples.
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MatsRooth committed Aug 24, 2019
1 parent b91f0e1 commit eda8529
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253 changes: 253 additions & 0 deletions fst/announce_peek.fst
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@@ -0,0 +1,253 @@
# Shortened version of kt2, with just the six events a-f.
# The guarded string algebra is embedded in a string algebra.

# Guarded strings start and end with a propositions, and have
# propositions alternating with events.
# Examples:
# HkHaHhHoHkH
# TjTmT
# HcHkH
# TiTiTbTeTmTeT

# Basic proposition, head or tails.
# In the mathematical presentation, we use 0 and 1.
# Heads
# define H "1";
# Tails
# define T "0";

# But in development, use H and T, they are easier to read.
define H "H";
define T "T";

# Set of tests.
# It's a single boolean.
define p [H | T];

# Concatenation in the string algebra of two guarded strings results
# in a string with a sequence of two booleans as a substring.
# Define the well-formed and ill-formed such sequences.

# Well-formed sequence of two booleans.
define ppWf [H H] | [T T];

# Ill-formed sequence of two booleans, obtained in concatenation
define ppIf [H T] | [T H];

# Two booleans.
define pp ppWf | ppIf;

# Basic state, encoding the non-epistemic information.
# This is now p.
# define BasicState [H | T];

# Table of actions as Kleene elements.

# a public announcement/sensing that H
# b public announcement/sensing that T
# c Amy sensing H, with Bob aware that Amy is sensing, but not what she senses.
# d Bob sensing H, semi-privately (as above)
# e Amy sensing T, semi-privately
# f Bob sensing T, semi-privately

# Preconditions
# a H
# b T
# c H
# d H
# e T
# f T

# define Act [a | b | c | d | e | f ];

# Kleene elements with precondition satisfied in an H-world.
# These can increment an H-world. NOP is included.
define ActH0 [a | c | d ];

# The corresponding guarded strings, with a test at the start and the end,
# surrounding the Kleene emement.
define ActH [H ActH0 H];

# Kleene elements with precondition satisfied in a T-world.
# These can increment a T-world. NOP is included.
define ActT0 [b | e | f ];

# The corresponding guarded string, with a test at the start and the end.
define ActT [T ActT0 T];

# Acts in general.
define Act [ActH | ActT];
define Act0 [ActH0 | ActT0];

# Map to an act.
define Event(X) [p X p] & Act;

# The above represents the precondition of Kleene elements in the set Act.
# The weakest precondition of an Kleene element x is {q|qxq is an element of Act}.

# Reduce a sequence of two tests to a single test, by deleting the second one.
define Squash p -> 0 || p _;

# Doesn't contain a bad test pair
define Wf0 ~[$ ppIf];

# KAT concatenation operation on sets.
# Concatenate in the string algebra, eliminate strings with
# non-matching tests, then map to a guarded string.
define Cn(X,Y) [[[X Y] & Wf0] .o. Squash].l;
# ---- concatenate in the string algebra
# ----- eliminate strings that contain non-matching tests
# ---------- map to a guarded string

# Remove medial Booleans.
# This is can be used to produce a shorter print name.
# It isn't used in the analysis.
define Short0 p -> 0 || Act0 _ Act0;
define Short(X) [X .o. Short0].l;

# Kleene Plus
define Pl(X) [[[X+] & Wf0] .o. Squash].l;
# --- Kleene plus in the string algebra
# ----- eliminate strings that contain non-matching tests
# ---------- map to a guarded string

# KAT concatenation operation on relations
define Cnr(R,S) Squash.i .o. Wf0 .o. [R S] .o. Wf0 .o. Squash;
# ---- concatenate in the string algebra
# ------ ------- constrain domain and codomain
# to contain non non-matching tests
# ------------ ---------- map to guarded strings
# on both sides.

# Kleene Plus on relations
define Plr(X) Squash.i .o. Wf0 .o. [X+] .o. Wf0 .o. Squash;
# ---- Kleene plus in the string algebra
# ------ ------- constrain domain and codomain
# to contain non non-matching tests
# ------------ ---------- map to guarded strings
# on both sides.

# Amy's epistemic event and world relations
# First five lines are from bm2.fst
# These are relations on Kleene elements.
define Ra1 [a:a | b:b];
define Ra2 [c:c| d:[d|f] | e:e | f:[d|f]];

# Kripke relation on Kleene elements (bare events)
# for Amy.
define Ra0 Ra1 | Ra2;

undefine Ra1 Ra2;

# Corresponding relation on Kleene elements flanked
# by tests. The intersection works because Act represents preconditions,
# and the fact that events don't change the non-epistemic state
# ==> Check this.
# ==> Think about whether his generalizes, e.g. to events
# such as flip that change the basic state.

define Rae [p:p Ra0 p:p] & [Act .x. Act];

# Extend Rae to worlds using Kleene plus.
# ===> This is so simple because Kleene plus enforces
# preconditions. This is the core benefit of using KAT. That it's so
# simple indicates that KAT is a natural setting for dynamic epistemic logic.

# Amy's epistemic world relation
define Ra p:p | Plr(Rae);

# The same for Bob.
# Bob's epistemic event and world relations

define Rb1 [a:a | b:b];
define Rb2 [c:[c|e] | d:d | e:[c|e] | f:f];

define Rb0 [Rb1 | Rb2];

define Rbe [p:p Rb0 p:p] & [Act .x. Act];

define Rb p:p | Plr(Rbe);

# Worlds

# Worlds are the Kleene closure of the events. Include tests
# without a following event.
define W p | Pl(Act);

# Insert tests in a string of events to make a world

# This can be used to insert tests appropriately in an event
# sequence, e.g.
# World({cd}) = H c H d H.
# It's not a function, World(o) = [H o H] | [T o T].

define World(X) [X .o. [0 -> p] .o. W].l;

# Diamond modality

# R is a Kripke relation on W
# X is a proposition

define Dia(R,X) [R .o. X].u;

# Complement in W

define Not(X) W - X;

# Box modality

define Box(R,X) Not(Dia(R,Not(X)));

# Relation that puts a world in the long notation

define eventlong [ a : public%_announce%_heads |
b : public%_announce%_tails |
c : alice%_peek%_heads |
d : bobby%_peek%_heads |
e : alice%_peek%_tails |
f : bobby%_peek%_tails ];

define worldlong [p eventlong]* p;

define Spell(X) [X .o. worldlong].l;

# E should be a bare event
define Have(E) Cn(Cn(W,Event(E)),W);

# Propositions it's heads and it's tails.
define Heads W & [?* H];
define Tails W & [?* T];

81 changes: 81 additions & 0 deletions fst/epi1.fst
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# Counterpart of epi1.k

# Source the world definition
source announce_peek.fst
set print-space ON

echo -------------------------
echo Worlds where the world public_announce_heads is a possibility for Alice.
echo There is just one.
echo regex Dia(Ra,World(a));
echo World(a) wraps the Kleene element a with tests.
regex Spell(Dia(Ra,World(a)));
print words
echo -------------------------

echo Worlds where the world public_announce_tails is a possibility for Alice.
echo regex Dia(Ra,World(b));
regex Spell(Dia(Ra,World(b)));
print words
echo -------------------------

echo Worlds where alice_peek_heads is a possibility for Alice.
echo There is just one possibility, because there are no other actions
echo that generate this option for alice.
echo Spell(Dia(Ra,World(c)));
regex Spell(Dia(Ra,World(c)));
print words
echo -------------------------

echo Worlds where bobby_peek_heads is a possibility for Alice.
echo It should be bobby_peek_heads + bobby_peek_tails.
echo regex Spell(Dia(Ra,World(d)));
regex Spell(Dia(Ra,World(d)));
print words
echo -------------------------

echo Box (universal) modality.
echo Worlds where every alternative for alice is alice_peek_heads,
echo i.e. alice_peek_heads is the sole alternative for alice.
echo regex Spell(Box(Ra,World(c)));
echo It should be alice_peek_heads.
regex Spell(Box(Ra,World(c)));
print words
echo -------------------------

echo Worlds where every alternative for alice is bobby_peek_heads,
echo i.e. bobby_peek_heads is the sole alternative for alice.
echo This should be null. There is no way for alice to get this
echo information in one step.
echo regex Spell(Box(Ra,World(d)));
echo It should be alice_peek_heads.
regex Spell(Box(Ra,World(d)));
print words
echo -------------------------

echo Worlds where some alternative for alice is (bobby_peek_heads ; public_announce_heads)
echo The result is the unit set of the complement.
echo The second event lets Alice figure out what happened in the first.
regex Spell(Dia(Ra, Cn(World(d),World(a)) ));
print words

echo Worlds where some alternative for alice is in (bobby_peek_heads ; public_announce_heads + public_announce_tails)
echo happens.
echo Or worlds that result for alice when something in (bobby_peek_heads ; public_announce_heads + public_announce_tails)
echo happens.
echo There are two results.
regex Spell(Dia(Ra, Cn(World(d) | World(f), World(a) | World(b)) ));
print words

echo Worlds where every alternative for alice is in (bobby_peek_heads ; public_announce_heads + public_announce_tails)
echo happens.
echo There are two results.
regex Spell(Box(Ra, Cn(World(d) | World(f), World(a) | World(b)) ));
print words

echo Worlds where every alternative for alice is in (bobby_peek_heads ; _)
echo happens.
echo The two results have in the second slot ways for Amy to learn what happened in the first.
regex Spell(Box(Ra, Cn(World(d), Act) ));
print words

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