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EpiKAT -- Epistemic Kat

EpiKAT is a modelling tool for representing the intensional semantics of natural language sentences. Users specify valid world states, events that transition between states, epistemic agents, and the inferences the agents make from the worlds. Together these represent a space of possible worlds in which the user can evaluate the logical forms of sentences. Technical Details can be found in our SCiL '21 paper.

Tutorial : The Concealed Coin

As a running example to showcase the features of EpiKAT, we will re-use the concealed coin example from the paper. If there are two agents at a table Amy and Bob who are curious about whether a concealed coin is heads-up or tails-up (lets say its been flipped and covered with a sheet of paper befor either party could look at the coin).

Declaring State Variables

To represent the concealed coin states, we first need to write down the possible states of the coin (heads-up or tails-up), which are just boolean variables.

state heads tails

It would be feasible to model a coin with a single variable heads, and encode tails as ~heads, but using two separate variables means that we need to restrict certain bogus states (thereby demonstrating how to use the restriction facility). We want to eliminate situations like heads & tails, and ~heads & ~tails, both of which are physically impossible (assuming the coin is infinitessimally thin and there's a breeze).

Restricting to Valid World States

To prevent theses bogus situations we use the restrict operator to describe the valid world-states:

restrict (heads + tails) & ~(heads&tails)

This formula says that one of heads/tails is true, and not both of them are.

Declaring Events

Now we can describe the events that can take place in the world, for example we can have an event where Amy peeks at a heads-up coin, which we can write as

event amy_peeks_heads (test heads):(test heads)

This declaration both declares the event amy_peeks_heads and defines its pre- and post-condions, namely that the coin must be heads-up both before and after the event. We can declare events amy_peeks_tails, bob_peeks_tails and bob_peeks_heads similarly.

event amy_peeks_tails (test tails):(test tails)
event bob_peeks_heads (test heads):(test_heads)
event bob_peeks_tails (test tails):(test_heads)

We can also write down events that can happen in multiple states, namely the event nop, which doesn't change the state, but can happen when it's either heads or tails.

event nop (test heads):(test heads) + (test tails):(test tails)

This event says that either the coin starts heads up and stays heads up, or it starts tails and stays tails, i.e. it doesn't change whether the coin is heads-up or tails-up.

We can encode state changes in our events, such as the event in which Amy secretly turns the coin over from one state to the other, with no knowledge from Bob. We can encode this as two events.

event amy_turns_heads (test heads):(test tails)
event amy_turns_tails (test tails):(test heads)

And similarly for Bob:

event amy_turns_heads (test heads):(test tails)
event amy_turns_tails (test tails):(test heads)

Epistemic Alternatives

The final piece of the model to define is epistemic alternatives for the agents, these are the events that each agent can "infer" from an event in the "base world". For example, Amy's alternatives for the event bob_peeks_heads are bob_peeks_heads + bob_peeks_tails, because she does not know whether he peeked at heads or at tails, only that he peeked at something. Amy has the same alternatives for bob_peeks_tails, and Bob has analogous alternative for amy_peek_heads and amy_peek_tails. Conversely, Amy knows exactly what she saw for each of her peek, events so the alternative relation on those events is the identiy.

To define Amy's' epistemic relation , simply write agent amy followed by a new alternative relation on each line. For instance, the rows for the peek events are as follows,Bob's relation is analogous.

agent amy 
  ... other events ...
  (amy_peeks_tails -> amy_peeks_tails)
  (amy_peeks_heads -> amy_peeks_heads)
  (bob_peeks_heads -> bob_peeks_heads + bob_peeks_tails)
  (bob_peeks_tails -> bob_peeks_heads + bob_peeks_tails)
  ... other events ...

For both Amy's and Bob's event relations on all of the aforementioned events see demo.k.

N.B. This example is identical to the one described in Figure 2 in the paper modulo the name changes. For a the same model as in the paper see figure2.k.

Evaluating Queries

Then we can write queries using the syntax

query <name> = <query>

For example, the worlds where Bob learns that Amy peeked at heads because he also peeked at heads can be written as:

query bob_ever_peeks_heads = _*;bob_peeks_heads;_*
query amy_ever_peeks_heads = _*;amy_peeks_heads;_*
query bob_believes_amy_peeked_heads = 
  amy_ever_peeks_heads & 

Here the operator bob(k) represents taking the preimage of bob's alternative relation on worlds, ~ represents negation, ; is sequencing, _ represents any action, & is the intersection of worlds, and k* is one or more occurences of term k.


We can also represent mistaken beliefs. For instance, if Bob doesn't see that Amy turns the coin over, and then he peeks at heads he may believes that she peeked at heads, when actually she peeked at tails.

query bob_is_wrong =
  & ~bob(~(amy_peeks_heads;_;_))

Here & indicates an intersection of sets of worlds, and _ indicates an arbitrary world.


We can also compute the 3-event worlds in which Bob knows that Amy peeked at heads, as in, he believes that she peeked at heads, and she truly did.

query bob_is_correct =
  amy_ever_peeks_heads & ~bob(~(amy_ever_peeks_heads))

This notion of "justified true belief" is a bit wonky, because the justification comes from the event alternative, which might be misleading. Really this only captures "true beliefs", and can only be said to be true knowledge if the alternative relation is in a certain form. See the paper for details.

Building and Installing EpiKAT from Source

Install git and clone this respository. Change into the toplevel directory, probably it will be named epikat, unless you manually specified a different name.


Install the prerequisite software. First you will need stack, which is a build system for Haskell Softaware. Install it using your package manager, e.g. on Ubuntu run [sudo] apt install haskell-stack.

Now use stack to install the project dependencies:

stack install happy
stack install alex

If stack complains about any other missing packages, install those too.

To build the project, run stack build --copy-bins.

Running EpiKAT

Now you can run epikat as a command line tool. There are two outputs, lists of guarded strings, and fst code.

Computing lists of guarded strings

For example, to compute the guarded strings that correspond to the above queries, simply run epikat gs 8 testkf/demo.k. This may take a few moments. The second parameter 8 tells epikat to compute no more than 8 guarded strings per query. If you would like to see more detail you can increase this as large as you would like.

Generating fst code

To generate fst code, you can run epikat fst testkf/demo.k and then run xfst, to interact with the generated model


If you run into issues, please use Github's built-in issue tracker, or reach out to the authors at the email addresses specifed in the SCiL 2021 paper.