YAGL (pronouned 'yæ gəl) is a javascript library that can create and render graphs in a 3D BabylonJS scene.
It's easy to use.
- Create a Babylon scene object.
- Define a graph in a YAGL object or file.
- Create a YAGL GraphBuilder object, passing in the scene object.
- Load your YAGL object or file using one of the functions in the GraphBuilder class.
var builder = new YAGL.GraphBuilder(scene);
The builder will build a graph using the specifications defined in the YAGL file and render it in the scene.
Graphs are predefined in JSON files. See template below.
Version 0.2.0 of the library (a non-minified iife file) can be download here. This version has not been tested on the current version of Babylon.js.
All files in this repository are released under the MIT license unless specified otherwise at the beginning of the file.