* Team Name:
* Team Members:
* Github Repository URL:
* Github Pages Website URL: [for final submission]
* Description of hardware: (embedded hardware, laptop, etc)
In a few sentences, describe your final project. This abstract will be used as the description in the evaluation survey forms.
What is the problem that you are trying to solve? Why is this project interesting? What is the intended purpose?
These are to help guide and direct your progress.
These are to help guide and direct your progress.
These are to help guide and direct your progress.
Formulate key software requirements here. They must be testable! See the Final Project Manual Appendix for examples.
Formulate key software requirements here. They must be testable! See the Final Project Manual Appendix for examples.
What major components do you need and why? Try to be as specific as possible. Your Hardware & Software Requirements Specifications should inform your component choices. Add links to components.
What do you expect to accomplish by the first milestone?
What do you expect to achieve by the final demonstration or after milestone 1?
What is your approach to the problem?
What is your metric for evaluating how well your product/solution solves the problem? Think critically on this section. Having a boolean metric such as “it works” is not very useful. This is akin to making a speaker and if it emits sound, albeit however terrible and ear wrenching, declare this a success. It is recommended that your project be something that you can take pride in. Oftentimes in interviews, you will be asked to talk about projects you have worked on.
This section is to help guide your progress over the next few weeks. Feel free to adjust and edit the table below to something that would be useful to you. Really think about what you want to accomplish by the first milestone.
Week | Task | Assigned To |
Week 1: 3/24 - 3/31 | ||
Week 2: 4/1 - 4/7 | ||
Week 3: 4/8 - 4/14 | ||
Week 4: 4/15 - 4/21 | ||
Week 5: 4/22 - 4/26 |
Add your slides to the Final Project Proposal slide deck in the Google Drive.
Don't forget to make the GitHub pages public website! If you’ve never made a Github pages website before, you can follow this webpage (though, substitute your final project repository for the Github username one in the quickstart guide): https://docs.github.com/en/pages/quickstart
[Insert final project video here]
[Insert final project images here]
What were your results? Namely, what was the final solution/design to your problem?
Based on your quantified system performance, comment on how you achieved or fell short of your expected software requirements. You should be quantifying this, using measurement tools to collect data.
Based on your quantified system performance, comment on how you achieved or fell short of your expected hardware requirements. You should be quantifying this, using measurement tools to collect data.
Reflect on your project. Some questions to consider: What did you learn from it? What went well? What accomplishments are you proud of? What did you learn/gain from this experience? Did you have to change your approach? What could have been done differently? Did you encounter obstacles that you didn’t anticipate? What could be a next step for this project?
Fill in your references here as you work on your proposal and final submission. Describe any libraries used here.
You can remove this section if you don't need these references.
- ESE5160 Example Repo Submission
- Markdown Guide: Basic Syntax
- Adobe free video to gif converter
- Curated list of example READMEs
- VS Code is heavily recommended to develop code and handle Git commits
- Code formatting and extension recommendation files come with this repository.
- Ctrl+Shift+V will render the README.md (maybe not the images though)