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Merge pull request #85 from eth-cscs/gather
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Enable gather! also for ndims > 3
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omlins authored Jan 23, 2024
2 parents d6d5c03 + c28066d commit d340220
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Showing 3 changed files with 44 additions and 57 deletions.
1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion src/finalize_global_grid.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -14,7 +14,6 @@ See also: [`init_global_grid`](@ref)
function finalize_global_grid(;finalize_MPI::Bool=true)
if (finalize_MPI)
if (!MPI.Initialized()) error("MPI cannot be finalized as it has not been initialized. "); end # This case should never occur as init_global_grid() must enforce that after a call to it, MPI is always initialized.
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94 changes: 41 additions & 53 deletions src/gather.jl
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@@ -1,66 +1,54 @@
export gather!

@doc """
gather!(A, A_global)
gather!(A, A_global; root=0)
Gather a CPU-array `A` from each member of the Cartesian grid of MPI processes into a one large CPU-array `A_global` on the root process (default: `0`).
!!! note "Advanced"
gather!(A, A_global, comm; root=0)
!!! note "Memory usage note"
`gather!` allocates at first call an internal buffer of the size of `A_global` and keeps it alive until [`finalize_global_grid`](@ref) is called. A (re-)allocation occurs only if `gather!` is called with a larger `A_global` than in any previous call since the call to [`init_global_grid`](@ref). This is an optimisation to minimize (re-)allocation, which is very important as `gather!` is typically called in the main loop of a simulation and its performance is critical for the overall application performance.
Gather an array `A` from each member of the Cartesian grid of MPI processes into one large array `A_global` on the root process (default: `0`). The size of the global array `size(A_global)` must be equal to the product of `size(A)` and `dims`, where `dims` is the number of processes in each dimension of the Cartesian grid, defined in [`init_global_grid`](@ref).
global gather!, free_gather_buffer
A_all_buf = zeros(0);
!!! note "Advanced"
If the argument `comm` is given, then this communicator is used for the gather operation and `dims` extracted from it.
"Free the buffer used by gather!."
function free_gather_buffer()
A_all_buf = nothing;
A_all_buf = zeros(0);
!!! note "Memory requirements"
The memory for the global array only needs to be allocated on the root process; the argument `A_global` can be `nothing` on the other processes.
function gather!(A::AbstractArray{T}, A_global::Union{AbstractArray{T,N},Nothing}; root::Integer=0) where {T,N}
gather!(A, A_global, comm(); root=root);
return nothing

function gather!(A::Array{T}, A_global::Union{Array{T}, Nothing}; root::Integer=0) where T <: GGNumber
cart_gather!(A, A_global, me(), global_grid().dims, comm(); root=root);
return nothing

function cart_gather!(A::Array{T}, A_global::Union{Array{T}, Nothing}, me::Integer, dims::Array{T2}, comm_cart::MPI.Comm; root::Integer=0, tag::Integer=0, ndims::Integer=NDIMS_MPI) where T <: GGNumber where T2 <: Integer
nprocs = prod(dims);
if me != root
req = MPI.Isend(A, root, tag, comm_cart);
else # (me == root)
A_global === nothing && error("The input argument A_global can't be `nothing` on the root")
if length(A_global) != nprocs*length(A) error("The input argument A_global must be of length nprocs*length(A)") end
if (eltype(A_all_buf) != T)
A_all_buf = reinterpret(T, A_all_buf);
if length(A_all_buf) < nprocs*length(A) # Allocate only if the buffer is not large enough
free_gather_buffer(); # Free the memory of the old buffer immediately as it can typically go up to the order of the total available memory.
A_all_buf = zeros(T, Int(ceil(nprocs*length(A)/GG_ALLOC_GRANULARITY))*GG_ALLOC_GRANULARITY); # Ensure that the amount of allocated memory is a multiple of GG_ALLOC_GRANULARITY*sizeof(T). So, we can always correctly reinterpret A_all_buf even if next time sizeof(T) is greater.
A_all_flat = view(A_all_buf,1:nprocs*length(A)); # Create a 1D-view on the amount of memory needed from A_all_buf.
reqs = fill(MPI.REQUEST_NULL, nprocs);
for p in [0:root-1; root+1:nprocs-1]
cs = Cint[-1,-1,-1];
MPI.Cart_coords!(comm_cart, p, cs);
offset = cs[1]*length(A) + cs[2]*dims[1]*length(A) + cs[3]*dims[1]*dims[2]*length(A)
A_c = view(A_all_flat, 1+offset:length(A)+offset);
reqs[p+1] = MPI.Irecv!(A_c, p, tag, comm_cart); # Irev! requires a contigous (SubArray) buffer (that is not both reshaped and reinterpreted)...
cs = MPI.Cart_coords(comm_cart);
A_all = reshape(A_all_flat, (length(A), dims[1], dims[2], dims[3])); # Create a 4D-view on the amount of memory needed from A_all_buf.
A_all[:,cs[1]+1,cs[2]+1,cs[3]+1] .= A[:];
if (nprocs>1) MPI.Waitall!(reqs); end
nx, ny, nz = size(view(A,:,:,:));
for cz = 0:size(A_all,4)-1, cy = 0:size(A_all,3)-1, cx = 0:size(A_all,2)-1
A_global[(1:nx).+cx*nx, (1:ny).+cy*ny, (1:nz).+cz*nz] .= reshape(A_all[:,cx+1,cy+1,cz+1],nx,ny,nz); # Store the data at the right place in A_global (works for 1D-3D, e.g. if 2D: nz=1, cz=0...)
function gather!(A::AbstractArray{T,N2}, A_global::Union{AbstractArray{T,N},Nothing}, comm::MPI.Comm; root::Integer=0) where {T,N,N2}
if MPI.Comm_rank(comm) == root
if (A_global === nothing) error("The input argument `A_global` can't be `nothing` on the root.") end
if (N2 > N) error("The number of dimension of `A` must be less than or equal to the number of dimensions of `A_global`.") end
dims, _, _ = MPI.Cart_get(comm)
if (N > length(dims)) error("The number of dimensions of `A_global` must be less than or equal to the number of dimensions of the Cartesian grid of MPI processes.") end
dims = Tuple(dims[1:N])
size_A = (size(A)..., (1 for _ in N2+1:N)...)
if (size(A_global) != (dims .* size_A)) error("The size of the global array `size(A_global)` must be equal to the product of `size(A)` and `dims`.") end
# Make subtype for gather
offset = Tuple(0 for _ in 1:N)
subtype = MPI.Types.create_subarray(size(A_global), size_A, offset, MPI.Datatype(eltype(A_global)))
subtype = MPI.Types.create_resized(subtype, 0, size(A, 1) * Base.elsize(A_global))
# Make VBuffer for collective communication
counts = fill(Cint(1), reverse(dims)) # Gather one subarray from each MPI rank
displs = zeros(Cint, reverse(dims)) # Reverse dims since MPI Cart comm is row-major
csizes = cumprod(size_A[2:end] .* dims[1:end-1])
strides = (1, csizes...)
for I in CartesianIndices(displs)
offset = reverse(Tuple(I - oneunit(I)))
displs[I] = sum(offset .* strides)
recvbuf = MPI.VBuffer(A_global, vec(counts), vec(displs), subtype)
MPI.Gatherv!(A, recvbuf, comm; root)
MPI.Gatherv!(A, nothing, comm; root)
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions test/test_gather.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -25,9 +25,9 @@ dz = 1.0
A_g = zeros(nx*dims[1]+1);
B_g = zeros(nx*dims[1], ny*dims[2]-1);
C_g = zeros(nx*dims[1], ny*dims[2], nz*dims[3]+2);
if (me == 0) @test_throws ErrorException gather!(A, A_g) end # Error: A_g is not nprocs*length(A) (1D)
if (me == 0) @test_throws ErrorException gather!(B, B_g) end # Error: B_g is not nprocs*length(B) (2D)
if (me == 0) @test_throws ErrorException gather!(C, C_g) end # Error: C_g is not nprocs*length(C) (3D)
if (me == 0) @test_throws ErrorException gather!(A, A_g) end # Error: A_g is not product of size(A) and dims (1D)
if (me == 0) @test_throws ErrorException gather!(B, B_g) end # Error: B_g is not product of size(A) and dims (2D)
if (me == 0) @test_throws ErrorException gather!(C, C_g) end # Error: C_g is not product of size(A) and dims (3D)
if (me == 0) @test_throws ErrorException gather!(C, nothing) end # Error: global is nothing
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