For instructions, see jupyter notebooks in the respective publication folders.
Baden T*, Schubert T*, Chang L, Wei T, Zaichuk M, Wissinger B, Euler T (2013) A Tale of Two Retinal Domains: Near Optimal Sampling of Achromatic Contrasts in Natural Scenes Through Asymmetric Photoreceptor Distribution. Neuron 80(5):1206-1217, doi:10.1016/j.neuron.2013.09.030.
For data see:
Baden T*, Schubert T*, Chang L, Wei T, Zaichuk M, Wissinger B, Euler T (2014) Zenodo. 10.5281/zenodo.1204501 -
Chapot CA, Behrens C, Rogerson LE, Baden T, Pop S, Berens P, Euler T#, Schubert T# (2017) Local signals in mouse horizontal cell dendrites. Curr Biol doi:10.1016/j.cub.2017.10.050.
#corresponding authors