Compile-time generation of gson TypeAdapters to preserve class encapsulation.
By default, gson uses reflection to read and write fields of you class from json. The problem with this is that it breaks encapsulation. This prevents you from enforcing invariants when you class is constructed and properly hide implementation details from serialization. This library will generate TypeAdapters the call your constructor, factory method, or builder to construct you an instance of your class and will only use accessible fields and methods to write it out.
This library is a nice companion with google's AutoValue, but you may use it with any class you choose. It's nice with kotlin's data classes too!
You may want to use a gradle plugin for easier management of apt dependencies. For example, gradle-apt-plugin.
apt 'me.tatarka.gsonvalue:gsonvalue-processor:0.9'
compile 'me.tatarka.gsonvalue:gsonvalue:0.9'
annotationProcessor 'me.tatarka.gsonvalue:gsonvalue-processor:0.9'
compile 'me.tatarka.gsonvalue:gsonvalue:0.9'
Annotate your constructor or factory method with @GsonConstructor
. Json will be deserialized using
the parameter names and serialized using public fields or getters. The following classes will map to
the json
import me.tatarka.gsonvalue.annotations.GsonConstructor;
public class Foo {
public Foo(int arg) {
public int arg() {
public class Bar {
public static Bar newInstance(int arg) {
public int getArg() {
public abstract class Foo {
public static Foo newInstance(int arg) {
return new AutoValue_Foo(arg);
public abstract int arg();
@GsonConstructor data class Foo(val arg: Int)
Note that both bare getters and bean-style prefixes are supported. Like AutoValue, prefixes only apply if all getters follow that style.
Alternatively, you can create a builder class. Annotate either the builder's constructor or
the factory method that returns the builder with @GsonBuilder
import me.tatarka.gsonvalue.annotations.GsonConstructor;
public class Foo {
public static class Builder {
public Builder(int arg1) {
public Builder arg2(String arg2) {
public Foo build() {
public class Bar {
public static Builder builder() {
public static class Builder {
public abstract class Foo {
public static Builder builder() {
return new AutoValue_Foo.Builder();
public interface Builder {
Builder arg(int arg);
Foo build();
Create an abstract TypeAdapterFactory
class an annotate it.
import me.tatarka.gsonvalue.annotations.GsonValueTypeAdapterFactory;
public abstract class MyTypeAdapterFactory implements TypeAdapterFactory {
public static MyTypeAdapterFactory create() {
return new GsonValue_MyTypeAdapterFactory();
Then register it to your gson builder.
gson = new GsonBuilder()
is supported on fields or getters. It will map to both the constructor parameter on deserialization and the field or getter on serialization.- Transient fields are ignored.
is supported with either aTypeAdapter
as long as it has a public no-args constructor. Since gson's version cannot be placed on a getter method, you may use@me.tatarka.gsonvalue.annotations.JsonAdapter
instead if necessary.
The following features are not supported. They may be added if there is enough demand.
versioning support.@Expose
and exclusion strategies.- Field naming policies.
Copyright 2016 Evan Tatarka
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.